

Chest of Misery
The old, treasure chest lay next to James in the sandy beach of a small island when the storm retreated . James was still knocked out . He lay down on the sandy beach only woken by the cracking of lightning and thunder when the storm retreated . he woke up with a jolt. He did not remember anything. "where am I ?"

he pondered .He looked around himself "what the.... "he stared at the chest which lay beside him. he picked it up and examined it. It was an old small brass chest, which had a missing key. He tried opening it but it was locked. he put the chest down on the sand and looked around again. black clouds were emerging from his front and the waves were clashing furiously. he looked behind himself. There was a boardring of palm trees and beyond there was a dense forest. "umm.. I guess I should take shelter "James walked over to the forest talking the chest with him .As he walked over to the forest he started remembering somwthings. ".. I was on a trip.. I think to Australia.. yes. ..i remember a storm..Um... then ..well I don't remember after that... " "though I think I must have landed over here... but what about the chest ?"He was very confused though he had started to make sense out of things now. "but now what.. "he thought .he kept walking and walking to find some one. he had seen this scene in many movies. though he never really thought he could ever be in it. after walking for hours he saw a hut in the distance. He was overwhelmed with joy "finally! "he thought and ran over to the hut. as he neared to his destination he saw more grass Hut's and people!As he reached the village. He met the village chief and explained him his experience. the chief offered him to live in the village as he could not offer him anything else. James was hesitant at first but later thought it would be best to agree as he had no other hole of survival.

James now had settled in the village and lived. a happy live. he had many friends na she's own house.

After a long day of fishing James came back home. He was going to go to bed when suddenly he remembered his adventure when he got here. He had a tingle of excitement as he remembered the small chest. "I might still have That "He quickly browsed through his drawers and after some time found it beneath a book and some clothes. He took it out and placed it on his bed. After some thought he took out a hammer ,closed his eyes and smashed the chest open.

What he saw next brought him to tears. Inside was a note which stated "sorry James but ,father has not made it . he got a heart attack and.. he didn't make it. Iam sorry I didn't tell you before but I can't tell you face to face what had happened.. I just can't . I have sent you to Australia to take over your fathers job and take his place. please call me when you are there

mother. "
James started sobbing. the thought that his father had died and he never knew. and that after coping with the death of his husband his mother would have been heartbroken to hear that his son was not seen for 10years after the storm brought him to tears