

They Followed Me Out
Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears? Now normally I would say face them under any normal circumstances. When i say normal i mean within the scope of the physical laws that bind our reality. However what is happening to me is not within the bounds of reality or within the scope of anything even resembling normalcy. It started about three weeks ago. I started to have this recurring nightmare. It always started the same. I opened my eyes to find that i was within a chamber in what seemed to be catacombs of sorts. Bones and skulls lined the walls and was dimly lit by torches that werent at all random but very sparse. There was a long stone roofed tunnel stretching out before me, the torches being evenly spaced far enough apart to leave lengthy spaces totally devoid of light. If i were a betting man i would say the dark spaces in between each torch was around forty feet. I noticed two things as I came about in this place. Immediately i felt absolute and unequivocal terror. A dread primal and urgent. Second i noticed the remains lining the walls of this room and the tunnel before me were not human. They were larger and some of the skulls had horns and others large jaws lined with three to five rows of sharp teeth, some like that of sharks and some needle like and long. Also most of them had more than the standard two orbital sockets and the nasal cavities ranged in position from lower jaw to the forehead and some had no nasal cavity at all. One even had what looked to be large mandibles with pincers like an insect, but one possibly with an endo-skeliton rather than an exo-skeliton. I would stand and listen for any noise. Any at all. Silence, dreadful silence is all i was met with. I didnt want to move for fear of making myself known to some abomination akin to those that the remains belonged. However something in my head told me that i had to move and not knowing how exactly i came to this place was no help either. So i reluctantly and quietly as i could took the first step, and then another, and another. Soon i was moving at a pretty good pace wanting to just let the fear take over and run, but held myself back because well.... prey runs. That is exactly what i felt like in that place. Prey.
I look behind me and the room from which i started was no longer visible so i had obviously covered a good distance in a short time. The tunnel started to gradually curve to the right and the torches changed in arrangement. They were about half as far apart as before and staggered now from one side of the tunnel to the other. The tunnel straightened back out and seemed to make an incline of about the same as your standard wheel chair ramp and went up for so long that i could not see the top. Soon the bones stopped and gave way to stone on all sides the floor however was sand now and no longer cobbled stone.
The lighting began to change as well. Instead of torches the tunnel was now lit by single overhead incandescent light bulbs also spaced far enough apart to leave long stretches of absolute light sucking darkness. I continued on. The only sounds being my breathing, hard due to the air being heavy with a smell of damp and a hint of rot that grew stronger as i pressed forward. That and my feet scuffling the sand below.
Soon the tunnel leved again for a short distance ending in what looked to be a concrete staircase. "What is this place?" I said aloud to myself as i slowed my pace and cautiously approached the stairway. The stairs only went up about twelve feet and at the top were long fluorescent lights and it seemed to be much better lit than the tunnel had been so far.
The loud noise had come from behind making me jump out of my skin and hurried me up the stairs looking behind me to find the tunnel empty. Still i knew i had to keep moving and that feeling of dread had gone from just a twist in my gut to all encompassing terror.
At the top of the stairs the tunnel was now lined on both sides with large electrical trunk lines and various pipes like you would see in a maintainace tunnel under a large city. At the end of the hundred or so foot long corridor was a large steel door with the word EXIT in large red letters painted on it.
I then noticed that there were four recesses in the walls the same size as the tunnel and the pipes and lines snaked in and out of them. Each one had a sign hanging off the wall into the main tunnel. They were labeled as follows from closest to furthest and left to right. The first one said
B4 BioChem Lab. The one across the hall said B3 Mess, the one directly down from B4 said B2 Rec, and the one directly across from it was labelled B1 Bunks.
I stood there taking it in for a minute because somehow there was an heir of familiarity. I knew this place and couldnt place it.
The sound of metal being torn apart filled the tunnel behind and below me and then a defining roar that sounded like that of a bear or a tiger only as if there were multiple at multiple octives coming at exactly the same time and it didnt sound natural. Not only that it sounded close.
I turned to the exit and began to run when i noticed a huge bloody clawed hand emerge from the BioChem lab and at the same time the door at the end of the corridor swung violently open allowing a blustering freezing wind and flurries of snow to rush down the hall toward me revealing a man. At least he looked like a man at first, his face obscured by a thich fur lined parka hood. Another clawed hand emerged further into the hallway than the first.
I would then wake up in a cold sweat bolt upright in my bed. This has been going on every night for three weeks except every night the creature would come further into the corridor and the man has since grabbed his hood slowly revealing his face. Oh God his face. Pale white like snow except for rotting patches of blackened frostbitten flesh on his cheeks below his four large jet black eyes as he does claws peirce through the fingertips of his gloves and his face splits in two horizintally showing rows of needle like teeth and the creature now is fully into the corridor appearing to be skinned showing only bloody muscle tissue its body is like a lions but larger than any bear on record but it has human hind legs and feet and almost fills the corridor with just enough room for the other creature to stand next to him. His head is like that of a giant human skull grotesce and misshapen with four huge horns protruding from just above his cattle like ears. The top set of horns is like a long horned stear only slightly smaller and the lower set curve around the upper set like a rams horns and his eyes are black save for his scarlet red irises.
The demon roars loudly and tries to stand in his hind legs once but hits his head on the ceiling forcing him back to all fours.
God he would have to be almost twenty feet tall if he was able to stand. That was the progression by the end of week two.
Im frozen in fear unable to move and the slowly move towards me making what sounds like demented laughing noises. The demons movements are fluid and controlled whereas the mans are jerky and unnatural like the nurses in that movie silent hill. All i can do is scream. When they got within ten or so feet of me the laughing abruptly stopped and the demon opened his mouth wide and spoke from somewhere deep within. The same multiple pitches and multiple voices as the roar. "All we need is to catch you and free we will be." They made it within five feet of me and i still wasnt able to will myself to so much as budge but i stopped screaming at the terrors before me and pleaded for them to stop. To spare me. I woke up that morning just the same as the previous mornings only this time with a nose bleed. Black thick blood. The night before last i finally got a break from the nightmare. When i woke from the normal nights sleep i thought it was over. However i also resolved to fight if i were ever to have the dream again. I would face those abominations without fear. I went about my day actually feeling better than i had in weeks due to the goid nights rest i had just gotten. I let my thoughts about the nightmare drift to the back of my mind to be finally put to rest and filed under WTF!?, and i got home from work i made dinner watched television and had forgotten about the nightmare almost entirely. I wasnt even scared to go to sleep this night as i had become accustomed over the coarse of the last three weeks. I closed my eyes and drifted off.
When i opened my eyes, GOT YOU! The demon exclaimed. His face filling my vision. His eyes burning into me. It was so sudden and unexpected i woke with a jolt. My room was freezing and there was snow blowing in from a car sized hole in my bedroom wall leading outside. It was there i saw the creature that looked like a man. Standing there staring at me and holding onto the wrecked wall with one hand he said to me in a voice that sounded like so many snakes and a whisper at the same time. "You sssseeeeee my dear boyyyyy, wweeee couldnt possssssibly hurt you. You wwwere ourrr wayy ooouut and for that sssssirrr we ttthankss you very very muchh. Ssssseeeee you ssssooooonnn." At that he took a very cordial bow and lept out the hole in my apartments bedroom wall thirteen stories up. I slowly walked to the hole and looked out. Its snowing and the wind blows feircely and on the wind i hear them laughing as i watch them walk side by side down the middle of the empty city street as the street lamps ahead of them flicker and then literally blow out with a loud POP.
So if you hear a laughing that sounds like the hiss of snakes and a chorus of demonic voices followed by lights around you flickering and then blowing out. Run, hide, or do what you have to to stay safe. What comes your way is not from our world and wont follow our worlds rules so i dont think youd fare well trying to face them. Also im sorry for letting them out. Letting them out of the sick mind where i created them.
© S.A.R.J