

My first love (3)
Chapter 3

POV - Tumi

She's different, that's the one thing that comes into my mind. Her skirt is long, her hair is relaxed and up in a tight ponytail. I can't help but look at her, There's no make up on her face not even a lip gloss no she's... different.
Sindi that's what the teacher had said.
I cover my smile as I see her not. so secret glances good to know I made an impression on her or maybe she could be hating me by now by how I treated het earlier, I could have helped her up but I didn't npt because I didn't want to God know I wanted to but the person who calls me her boyfriend was just 15 feets away so I left her to pick herself up.

When the bell rings I consider staying behind and apologies not that I have to but maybe because I want to talk to her and hear her voice.

Eveb though I wanted to I couldn't only because Amanda would be outside by now chewing that annoying pink gum, so i swiftly move out making sure not to look at Sindi, and indeed when I get out of the class there she is chewing her gum when she spots me she quickly wraps her arms around me and kisses me "Wanna go sit outside." I nod as I slip my hand on her lower back.

© Mbali P Nyabane