

No hope part 1
It was a stormy night when I met her. She looked so beautiful in her sulky dress. I was inside the house my parents just bought with the money my grandparents left for us. That day she was outside in the rain with blood all over her dress. I ran outside to see if she was ok but when I got close to her she shot me with a gun. She walked near me and bended down. She whispered in my ear something that would change my world. She whispered "Your father and mother will die today and it's all your fault." She walked passed me when she whispered that in my ear. I couldn't walk because of the wound she gave me. She walked to my house and shot 4 bullets. All I heard where screaming coming from my parents. She just left my house like nothing happened and left me there in the ground to bleed out. A man around his 30s was hiking and found me. He took me to the hospital and brought me back to health. The next few weeks the news where talking about the rest of my family members. She killed all of them in cold blood and then killed herself. The man learned that the people who we're killed where my family members and then took me in. We moved a lot because of his job. When I turned 12 years old we stopped moving and we started to live in a small town. Everyone there where so nice. One day in the middle of the night it started snowing. There where lots of people around are house screaming "KILL THE WITCH!" The man went outside to stop them but they just pored gasoline on him and then burned him alive. All I could do was watch him burn. While he was burning he looked at me and smiled. I couldn't take it. A woman who travelled to the town went inside the house and took me away from that town. When I was 13 she killed herself out of nowhere. Everyone I met ended up dying because of me. I was a curse. I didn't have any right to live. After I turned 15 I moved to the city and started a new life. I lived on my own and didn't get anyones help. Tomorrow I was supposed to start high school. I just hopd no one dies because of me.

© the unknown