

Selfish Love: chapter 7
○●(This chapter isba bit boring in my opinion)●○

Next day morning, when Yuna woke up, she thought Ruru was still sleeping..but she wasnt there! Then all of a sudden Ruru jumped on Yuna "Good morning!!", Yuna didnt expect that, then they both ended up laughing, Yuna started hugging Ruru's head "aww..how i miss you"
"I miss you too...lets not get so emotional now..we will go out today! Lets drink coffee and have a little breakfast?" Ruru asked happily.
"What you'd like for breakfast?"
"Im not the breakfast type of person to be honest, so..i guess a toast with butter will be fine, besides, we will go out side to eat too!"
"Oh you're right"

So ruru went to the kitchen and started preparing them while Yuna went to the toilet. Then as they eat, Yuna was smiling alot, so Ruru just kept looking at her, then moments later...when Yuna is driving, Ruru was happy to see the City, "where you wanna go today Ruru?"
"E-ehh?? Anywhere! As long as we're here together, everything is fun!"
"Aww...". So Yuna decided to go to amusement park, Ruru got a little scared, "y-yuna..are you sure about this??..."
"Dont worry! Its going to be fun! If its nothing for me, then its also nothing for you!" So they went outside the car, bought the tickets and cards. Then they decided to get a soft ride and make their way to the hard ones, so they rode the swing that could be 6th floor of a building, Yuna was really scared, but already the game started, so Yuna held Ruru's hand, and when Ruru looked, Yuna was terrified, "are you sure about this Yuna?"
"I-im sure!!"
"We can stop now since we are still down here.."
"N-n-no..i will be f-fine"
Then when it started going high and fast, Yuna tried not to shout as she held Ruru's hand tight "Whoaaa!! This is fun!!" Ruru was thrilled, meanwhile Yuna was so scared, "Ruurruuu!! Im scaaared! When will this end?!?!"
Ruru kept laughing at Yuna, "its a fun riide! Wooo!"
"EEERGH! I regret thissss!!"

Then when the game is over, Yuna didnt know how to walk properly, she felt light headed, so she held onto Ruru, "i thought i am brave...i guess im not brave with hights and gravity type of games..", But they kept looking around, and then Ruru saw the rollercoaster, and it had loops too, "Yuna!! Lets try that roller coaster!!"
Yuna was frightened when she saw it, but smiles it off "alright lets gooo"...then as they were sitting..Yuna was really scared, but Ruru helped her calm down by holding her hand and said "its going to be fine, we are here together, its going to be fun once we are in the middle of the ride.." then it started moving up..and it stopped, Yuna saw how high up they were, then when it suddenly runs down the rail, they both screamed, But Yuna was screaming "I LOVE YOU RURU!! IM GONNA KNOCK OUT" and kept shouting "IM GONNA KNOCK OUT AHHH" Ruru was enjoying and raised her hands up together with Yuna's hand she's holding...unfortunately after the ride, Yuna couldn't take it anymore, so they both decided to sit and relax for a bit, Ruru bought water for Yuna. "Are you sure you can keep going?" Ruru was worried, then Yuna replied smiling "im fine dont worry about it.."
"We can have fun at other places it doesn't have to be here by the way Yuna, and i also feel a bit sick too, that rollercoaster got me" Ruru then chuckles. So they started walking around and play some other games but not rides. They won few plushies and it was all thanks to Yuna. Ruru sat and sigh as she asks "aren't you hungry?"
"Yeah sure lets eat, what would you want?"

Then suddenly they smell barbecue food, So ruru wanted to check that out and she likes it, they ordered lamb ribs, and since Ruru doesn't really like lamb much, Yuna got her spicy barbecue chicken, and Ruru loves it, but she also dips it into a hot sauce!! So Yuna decided to try and she was shock "w-wow! Its already spicy and you dipped them into hot sauce?"
"Mhm! The sauce is also delicious!" Ruru was really happy then she saw Yuna's food and decided to try, and surprisingly Ruru really liked it, but she doesn't like chewing into a bone, so suddenly out of nowhere Yuna said "say ahh" as she gives Ruru a big chunk of meat, "wha-wait-huh?! Eh?" Ruru was shy but she ate it from Yuna's hand anyway, she ended up blushing looking away, Yuna was also shy but she ended up laughing everytime she looks at ruru, "stoopp! Whats so funny Yunaaaaa!" Ruru was really shy. After that, they took a bit of rest, eating icecream for dessert, sitting together on a bench. "Ahh...i spent alot..its okay..its for my Ruru, we got lost for 3 years" yuna said to herself as she looks to Ruru, but Ruru was really busy eating and looking at the beautiful place she havent been in a long time, but then she felt someone looking, so she looks to Yuna...suddenly Yuna hugged her tight as she cries silently "you cant believe how i miss you...and how happy i am to be here with you again", Ruru has gone speechless and hugged Yuna back. Then when they were done in the Amusement park, they went to a mall, Yuna wanted Ruru to get some clothes..but..

meanwhile , Maruqez opened a file.. full of important documents.. she grins as she slowly check them page by page...but what could it be? Then after a long day ruru and yuna spent together, they went home exhausted and both took some rest on the couch, "Aahh im tiired" Yuna said , but Ruru already closed her eyes, so Yuna pats Ruru's shoulder as she said "Lets change and go to bed". Moments later, they were both just laying down..at the end they couldn't sleep, so Yuna decided to ask.."Ruru...what do you think about me..or feel about me?" While looking straight into Ruru's eyes, "huh? Whats that question??" Ruru was confused, Then Yuna gently touches Ruru's cheeks and goes down to her chin.."the truth is...i really like you..." Yuna starts to look sad..but Ruru was nervous. "Ohh...i mean..this is quite sudden" Ruru felt really awkward, "oh, okay, we can spend more time how about it?" Yuna smiles..But Ruru felt embarrassed and uncomfortable, then when Yuna slowly goes close to kiss her, Ruru felt bad to stop her, Yuna noticed how shy Ruru is and she knew Ruru still isn't ready for her, so Yuna apologized and decided to sleep in the sofa..
Meanwhile..In Yuna's bedroom.."she likes me...i knew it...it would come to this...im sorry Yuna..im not ready.." Ruru said to herself then she gasps as she got flashbacks and saw Yuna as Maruqez, she quickly covers herself whole "Maruqez...im already far away from you...why are you gonna stuck in my head now..please dont ruin it for us..me and Yuna.." Ruru started crying silently..."you ruined..my day.."