

What truly hurts?
You never know what truly hurts until you sit back and analyze all the things that do hurt. And what truly hurts is the one thing that makes your heart clench tighter. Makes you grunt with pain for a second. Lots of things hurt. But there's one thing that hurts the most.

We were together for a long time. And long time for high schoolers that is. Over two and a half years. We started dating freshman year and now we're halfway through our senior year. My whole high school experience was with this guy. And I loved him. Man, I was head over heels for him. So sweet, so funny, and so talented. I loved his kisses, his hugs, and when he held me tight. He made me laugh more than anyone ever did. That's what I loved most about him. He had an amazing sense of humor. I loved everything that we did together. We had so many great and fun memories.

Everything was fine. At least I thought it was. It was perfect for me. I didn't think we were having the many issues. But apparently, he did. Because he randomly texts me one day, out of the blue, and says that he's not sure about us. I ask him what he's talking about. But all he says is how completely different we are. How we can't listen to the same music in the car. How I'm Christian and he's not. Just stating differences that he sees. I didn't get it. I still don't. We've had those differences for so long and it wasn't a problem before. Why was it a problem now? But then all of the sudden he says that he doesn't love me anymore. Says that he did in the beginning, for a long while, but that he doesn't anymore.

And that's what hurts the most. Loving someone so much, but knowing they don't even love you back.

I found out a few days ago that he actually left me for someone else. It's been one month. One. And he's already with someone else. All I feel is anger and sadness and pain and hurt and confusion.

It hurts. Everything hurts. From him breaking up with me, to being with someone else so soon. But what hurts the most is knowing I lived a long while blinded by a love I felt was so strong. And he didn't even love me back.
© Aditi Jha