

Who Am I
I am the first to arrive and last to leave. I am the only voice that continues to say thank you and please. A rebel in disguise and the reader of too many books. Because I am the first to fall in love and the only one that gets hooked. Am an imaginary pirate, hoping to sail tropical seas. I apologize for nothing, except to be loved like I want to be. I am an intellect dressed in unusual clothes, I say no to the fashion trends. So I will wear a straw hat and sandals and walk into a bourgeoisie scene.Perhaps my pants are wrinkled and somewhat dirty, however, my hands are washed and extremely clean. I am the last to get invited. To the swank parties that the wealthy go. So I politely say I thank you for the best time I had today. I am alone and live in solitude, and my dwelling is a one room shack. Without heat or boiling water, my life choice is bittersweet, what do you think about that. Who am I you may ask. Let me explain when a rhythm. I am the boot placed on the opposite foot. And I am the latch on the wrong side of the door. I am a king without a throne, how much more do you want to know. Who am I.
© Daniel Mason