

The Farmer's Story
Long years ago there was a farmer. This farmer had three horses and a son. He lived in a small village. He was a courageous and hard-working man. There came a time when his son wanted to ride on one of his father's horses, as he was about to sit on the horse he fell and broke his leg. The neighbours heard what happened and then came to the farmer and started abusing the horse saying it's a stupid horse, why did he break the boy's leg? They told the farmer to get rid of the horse and the farmer replied: hmm maybe. The next day, soldiers was going house to house in order to look for young boys and use them as slaves. When they came to the farmer's house, they saw that his son had a broken leg and he was not useful to them. So, they left the young boy and went on. At sunset, the neighbours came and said to the farmer that he was so lucky they didn't take his son, wow...those soldiers took our sons. The farmer looked at them one last time and said: hmm maybe.

1). You should always be thankful to God in any situation and at all time.
2). Some bad things happen to for your own safety.
3). Be like the farmer who was courageous and hard-working etc .

You can also drop your own moral(s) that you have learnt from this story and please don't forget to follow me for more interesting stories, poems and quotes.