

Dino Lee said Well you must be like it. Cause you stay fuckin wit them damn people then start crying when they flip on you. It's your own fault. Nobody wants to hear that shit. You keep staying around they asses. Going to they church and to the lounge and karaoke. It's your own fucking fault.
And truthfully I'm tired of hearing about the shit.
Sorry but not sorryYou need to fucking do better.
Good morningStop hitting me up wit thus dum shit cause you won't remove yourself from the situationNow ny-leeka you know I love, and I'm not being mean and not trying to hurt you. But you kinda bringing this on yourself and I hate seeing it. So I just gotta give you some tough love.
Only because I care. You feel me Cause Keke always told me that you wereslow

© Ny-leeka Jackson