

Zombies And The Honeybees (pt 3)
(Kati's point of view)It has been a week since the zombie outbreak has happened and we were running low on food. Abby had sugested that we go outside of the school to find another place to stay, we all agreed and went down to the gym so we could get the hang of using a bat, so far Riley is the only one with experence with fighting a zombie. It's a good thing that half of us have played softball or we would have a hard time. After we get the hang of are weponds we walked to the closest door and unboarded it, then we steped outside for the first time in a week, it had looked like the earth had fallen down into the deepest parts of the world. Riley pulls out the object out of her pocket and reveils what it is, it was a set of keys. I asked her what they were for and all she said was you will see. (Rileys point of view) After pulling out the keys I had gotten a week prier I walked over to a big black car with three rows of seats. I get in the car put the keys in turned on the engine and look out my window, I look at the girls and ask them if they are going to get in or if they are going to walk to shelter, they all run to the car open the door and get in their seats then they lock their doors. (Haydens point of view) After locking our doors I ask Riley if she even knows how to drive, she turns around and looks at me with a wide smile on her face, then she turns around and slams her foot on the peddles, the car takes off and we all close are eyes scared out of are minds then we feel a bump like we just hit something but we were all to scared to open our eyes. After 20 minutes the car comes to a hault, we open are eyes too see that we are still alive, Riley gets out of the car and runs into the building infront of the car. From the window I see her wave her hand singaling us to come inside, we get out of the car and run into the house as soon has we get in Riley closes and locks the door. (Kati's point of view) We look at Riley with are jaws on the floor, Hayden and Vianne both yell what at the sometime then Vianne asks where I learned how to drive and she answers Mario Kart. We look out the window to see the front of car covered in blood we ask her what it was because at the first the car was pretty clean, she looks at us still with the smile on her face and said that was from the zombies that she had run over to get here, all that was going through my head was so thats what the bumps were, rotting corpes. We searched the house for food that wouldn't rot and refiled are water bottles, Vianne manged to find a medal pipe and switched out her baseball bat. We stayed there for a few days then took off we repeated this for awhile and soon a year had pasted changing the car every so offen due to gas. Now we are 14 years old and I don't know how but we all manged to survive this long, the year we had was crazy but we've gotten used to it. Even though it's still be the apocalpse that doesn't mean we stoped having fun, Vianne would hold compatitions to see who could kill more zombies and no suprise Riley was always the winner being the girl she is, and everyday was like a sleepover, sure we missed are familys but over time the girls were the only family I needed.
© Julia storymaker