

Never leave me!
The night was as cold as I've ever remembered, no snow on the ground, yet it was the middle of December. She was as beautiful as always I am so lucky to have such a wonderful woman to share my life with. The moon lit up the sky and the night was so still. This was the night that I was to elevate our relationship.

Arelationship.As she turns to envision the beauty and splender, I slowly drop to one knee, to ask for her hand, as she slowly turns, and surprised as can be I begin with, I am so lucky to be the one to ask you for as long as I can remember you have been faithful and true, you are my everything and I appreciate your time and your love. I would love to share my life with you and the rest of my days, to have such a wonderful person by my side.

Elenore Ashworth would you do me the honor of being my wife, I am so in love with you and you are my best friend and soulmate and a gift from God and Heaven above., she is lost for words, as one year falls from her hazel eyes.

She says to me. Yes Adam Gisseppi I will be honored to be your wife. We share an embrace, and the sweetest kiss I have ever had, the night was so perfect I didn't want it to end. The next day I was anxious to tell her mom, and her dad, I was literally sweating bullets as I shook his hand. Although I was scared I am still a man, with respect I said.

Sir I come to you with so much respect, and you are the father of my beloved, I pray that you will not be the bearer of bad news, and truly understand, but here I stand before you sir to ask for ElenoreElenores beautiful hand?beaut ?

He takes a deep breath and relax his large frame, and in a deep rspy voice says congratulations on your wedding, you may have my blessings and the rest of the night belongs to the you and my daughter, go and celebrate.

The years have gone by since that day I proposed, now we are as happy as always thank you my Lord!

© Kori E Martin