

Born Hopeful as a sprout
Like hitting a rock with a hammer, life hits us hard sometimes. Tell us a story about the hardships in your life.
when we are young,every body 's dream is to grow up , just as a sprout ,we fill hopeful to achieving many goals in our lives. As time goes,like birds we fly on our own, living the life we had with or without our dear parents, now meeting new people who will be our friends,lovedones and enemies .Making our own families and decisions that may sometimes affect as positively or negatively .At first we are scared just as a young kid on her first day at school, sometimes we are afraid of the responsibilities that come with growing but as the fact that a tree has to branch although it is planted in a small plant pot, we must get over our fears ,go on and fall in love, that makes as feel joyful and happy, most times falling in love for the first time blinds our eyes,yet we entrust our heats to others who we are not sure they fill the same way about us, ending up with damaged, broken and scared hearts, just like a tree trunk,it takes time but we get over it and after wards lock up our hearts in an imaginary prison for those who never trust or love whole heartedly .We open up our hearts towards friends , seeking company in them so as to totally cut out the part that we need a life partner.Not knowing that sometimes friends love as for what are and have , to find a true friend is as hard as finding a needle in a grass field ,we try to share our moods and goals with them but out of a hundred that we have,30 listen and don't care,20 listen so as to get rumor subjects as they are in society 25 are waiting just for a chance to stab you hard were it heart so much 15 are their because they have something they gain in our presence, 10 are the truest friends one can have, belive me . Most times unfortunately we get to realize that fact quite late, when some have already heart us deeply .We decided to become independent, fight on our own ,keeping our distance from all relationships .But after all these experiences we are like a plant that is pruned and it loses some of its branches and it feels heart but it is for its own good, point is that we are born loving, kind and friendly to everyone who comes our way, but after our life experiences with people ,we end up changing our ways of life and living, getting rock hard hearts but after it all, we must give freedom to our hearts and souls, as trees do put on other brunches after losing some and having scares all over their trunks,we have had our lessons with people of different sorts and we have made it through, making it easier to sort out the good and bad relationships that could possibly come our ways, next,we should give our selves another chance to fall in love, make new friends cause how will you get to know one's motives with out giving them a chance to know them? Who knows maybe just as a tree passes through it all and finally bears flowers, it is time to meet the one who will truly love,care and need you with out any motive or gain.