

You may ask what is depression? To tell you the truth it could mean crying yourself to sleep every night, or not feeling like yourself. People that are depressed doesn't always show it. I know whenever I'm around anyone I hide everything I smile when I know I'm in pain. There are many ways depression is caused, it could be caused by losing someone you love or by being told your not worthy everyday of your life. Someone will say to at least once there is no reason for you to be depressed your life is perfect, while there saying that you can't help to think you don't know what goes on in my life. Your right and they will never know what you go through if you don't tell them. Sometimes it's better to tell someone your in pain instead of bottling it up. When your depressed you typically have something bottled up that is bringing you down. We should be able to tell at least one person why we cry ourselves to sleep or why we don't wanna do the things that makes us happy, but we don't trust anyone anymore. The reason we can't trust is because people take advantage of you, and use that pain against you. There are so many people going through this depression that can't tell anyone because they don't have someone they can in there life's. We need to help those people instead of hurting them, dragging them down to try to make ourselves feel better. What do I know I'm just a domb blonde or so people say. Just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. I know I'm so much smarter then people think, just like some people know there good at something but let others tell them they aren't. Thats Depression