

New World Order Discussion
So many people call me a Nazi Sympathizer or a Spartan Believer, but to be honest. The thought of the New World Order began way before Spartans and Nazis. The thought of World Domination started as a conspiracy before it became a thought, once it became a thought many actually tried to do it and many have failed.

So why talk about this ? Because the thought of it has always peaked my curiosity. What if we all were under one order, one flag. The idea is intriguing is it not? To be able to share ideas, knowledge, technology and more. Imagine what we can do as a species, being able to cure World Hunger, Poverty, Finance, Travel the Stars, Conquer systems, World's and be the future we all dream our decendants to one day be. Or we can keep killing each other, keep being greedy and keep being the low lives that most of us are.

Just think about it. Think of our children and their children, and so on. Imagine being able to come together under one idea. Yes in the movies it can happen, and some conspiracy theoriests believe that this will only happen if an Extraterrestrial Attack will happen. But I believe if we all found a way to put our differences aside, this conspiracy can become a literal reality.

Many thought the United Nations would never happen and yet we have one. So if that is possible, imagine what One World Order would do. Stable Homes, No one Homeless, No one Hungry and No more Wars on each other. But if we continue on this road, we will be the end of ourselves No? We will be the end on what we are trying to save. Mankind will end itself if you look at how far we've come and the path we are heading.

Do you believe in World Domination, a New World Order. Please share your comments below. I'd like to hear your side, and please don't judge me or anyone in the comments.
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