

A soul experiences a new life every time it paints new wishes and the fate of a wish is that it either vanishes in the wheel of time or lasts for a prolonged period and transforms itself into a dream . A Dream is just a tiny wish which dared to reach deep inside your soul and screamed its existence out .I believe that every colorful dream planted inside the soul by the universe is to rebirth itself through that dream . No matter how small or big , a dream has the power to alter your perspective . When we capture a picture of a tiny flower , we focus on the colors , size and the fragrance of the flower but we forget that we are capturing a dream itself . We have not just captured a picture but a dream . A dream of a tiny bud which started with a simple wish ~ A WISH TO GROW INTO A BEAUTIFUL FLOWER and we were fortunate enough to witness this dream turn into reality . We overlooked the fact that the universe used that tiny flower as a medium to inspire us . This makes me believe that if the wish or dream is pure , the Universe will provide a way for that dream to blossom . A birth of a dream can be painful but it will always turn out beautiful in the end. As the warmth of sunlight and the shower of rain both are necessary to transform life .Like a
chaotic bud that transforms into a beautiful flower with the divine touch of universe and its uninterrupted faith , the dreams that are embedded deep inside our soul are manifested by the Universe inside its womb .
© Minotee Gokhale