

The Death's Presents...
It is the story of three brother's ,lived in a village named santrolin,One day they went on a very lonely roadside,the time of dark evening.In their journey a river stoped their road.but they are very strong ,powerful, and they have the knowledge of dark arts so they make a pool on the river but suddenly a dark shadow stopped their walk and that was nothing else but death.Who felt very lose.because no one can cross the river till today and who try to cross they got hug to the death.but they have made a pool so the death said make a wish i will give you presents.So the elder brother Antioch paverell was very strong and greddy so he make a wish of most powerful wand in the world so the death gives him ,then death went to second brother named cadmos paverell makes wishes of life giving stone so he can give life to dead ones and show lossing to death than death gives him,and the last brother who was very intelligent and peaceful wants a invisblity cloack so anyone cant saw him and the death gives him and they went to their journeys.....
Next part comming soon...