

Above An Below
Tell Tell Signs Above An Below

Waking up to a loud thunder ,
the sound rumbles through the house.

Children still in bed and the wife isn't found.

I look out the door to discover the most amazing impossible event happening on my land in front of my house.

My wife is floating in the air , I just can't believe what I am seeing.
I walk out the door an there it was two spaceships with strong bright lights.

It appears the lights from the ship was actually helping my wife from falling off a cliff.

As the light bring her closer to land towards me,I Shiver an Dam near piss in my pants.

The light place her gentle on the ground in front of me.
She is wet an cold an breathing heavy.

She look up at me with a sweet smile an ask what happen.
I ask her ,what's going on with you?

My wife responded an said she was falling off the cliff to her death, why she's not dead.

I broke down in tears an ask her why.
The answer i got cancer eating her alive...

The light that carry my wife back to land Responded an said Now You healed No More Pain So Go Live In This Wonderful Garden Yall Call Land.

Life is precious don't take it away
just ask an you will receive
don't take your life away.