

Obsession. // Park Jimin ff //
"How many times have I warned you not to talk to that girl? I am the only one you should look forward to. Haven't I made it clear? Answer me Jimin!! ", I shouted with all the air that my lungs could push.

He froze at the spot with a bewildered and terrified look.

"I-It isn't such a bi-big deal!", he stuttered looking into my blood-stained eyes.

"Haven't I made it obvious Jimin? I love you and I cannot see you with any other girl! What do you want? Tell me. I am ready for everything! And I mean it!!", pinning him to the wall, I huffed desperately.

"You - You are not the on-one I loved", saying this, he pushed me aside and made his way out of my watery sight.

"I won't let you go away! You are mine."

The same evening I marched to Jimin's mansion.

"Darling! Jimin. Where are you, honey?", I squealed getting into his room.

He had just got out of the shower. Towel wrapped around his torso. Glassy droplets dripped from every single strand of his wet hair onto his bare chest. His tattoo glistened as he let the light fall over his body. He moved his half-closed eyes over my presence and then glanced away.

"Why are you here?", he said with a tired sigh.

"What do you mean by that? I am your girlfriend. I have the right to see you whenever I wish to."

I moved closer to his muscular stature. Looking deep into his passionate eyes, I ran my hands through his wet hair.

" You are handsome. No doubt why every other girl wants you. I pity them because the only girl who has a right over your body, your will and your freedom is ME."

His eyes widened over my statement. He held my wrist and clasped me in his grip.

"YOU DON'T OWN ME", I could hear the rage in his deep, husky voice. His warm breath forced its sensation down my spine.

"You indeed have that charm. Let me feel it. ", I smiled wickedly.

Gritting his teeth, he trapped me in his arms and said, " Hadn't I been under your debt, I would have never spent my nights with you!"

"Then pay me back and leave. Until then you have to acknowledge my love."


He flinched at my words. Gulping down his heart which had almost come to the brim, he looked into my eyes with the most helpless and painful gaze.

" Please Come Back my love", he cried. I could feel his grip weaken as he sat over the bed, lifeless.

"Am I doing something wrong?", I questioned myself. Turning my head towards the figure which wrapped me in the coldest of times, I felt my soul falling in the pit.


"Just leave me alone", he begged with the most fragile voice.

I left his residence at once and drove to the place where we had vowed to love each other, no matter what our lives will turn us into.

This tree. It's so huge now. We had planted it together in high school. That Bench, it has heard all our confessions, sorrows, happiness and witnessed us drenching in each other's arms. That flower garden, he used to adorn me with his hard made flower jewellery. He used to call me his QUEEN.

" Do I love him? I never wanted my mean personality to brush over my love. It isn't pure anymore. Why? Should I give up? Why do I want to govern him?", I went down on my knees and cried my heart out. My salty tears stained my cheeks and trickled onto the bare soil.

'Love isn't easy, promises of love made in childhood doesn't last long, they say. Will you help me to prove it wrong?', I remembered Jimin's words. How delighted I was! How inclined he was!

I WANT TO CHANGE! JIMIN! I AM SORRY. I LOVE YOU...I yelled down the top. I - I AM SORRY-sorry... and my voice faded away.

My blurry vision noticed a hand being offered for support. I looked up and found him smiling with watery orifices. The boy who lifted me in my bad times. His picture of being in school uniform with the same gesture flashed.

"Why? I - I don't deserve you. I am sorry.", I cried and was taken into his deep and warm embrace. " Help me. I want to change myself into the old being, who loved and cared, sacrificed and matured with time."

He fondled my hair and said, " LET'S PROVE THEM WRONG."


© masked love