

The Wolf (Chapter 5)
Her eyes looked up at the shadow above her. Whatever it was, it was not a wolf like she thought it was. One second, she was standing underneath it, the next, she was at the root of a tree. With the sun finally in front of her, Sirena was able to get a good look at what it was. Her eyes widened. In front of her was a big dragon with the same sea blue colors on its wings, eyes, and horns. Its face was not as hideous as the stories of regular dragons foretold. There were no whiskers of any sort. The horns were placed near the back of its head and pointed straight back. Its snout was stretched out to a regular size and the nostrils extended as if smelling her. Its chest was a silver and black just like Sirena's fur. Its black wings extended as it reared. It flared its nostrils and leaned toward her. Before she knew it, she had shifted into her human form. Her hand reached out to touch right between its nostrils. When her hand touched it she felt a searing pain travel up her hand to her shoulder and across her collarbone. The dragon lowered its head to her and folded its wings. Then, in a split second, there was a flash of light and the dragon disappeared. She felt a course of power run through her body. Her senses sharpened more and she could clearly hear inside the school even though she was partially in the forest. She could smell the scent of a hawk even with her being on the ground. She could see the ants on the tree bark and leaves. The stinging sensations in her arms and collarbone disappeared. She looked down at her arm and gasped. A trail of sea blue vines and leaves traveled up her arm into her sleeve. She pulled her shirt out to check her collarbone. She huffed in frustration when she couldn't see it. She put her jacket over her sleeve and walked to the school and headed to the bathroom. Right when she got to the bathroom, she checked the stalls to see if she was alone. Once confirmed, she lifted her sleeve and saw the vines traveled along the back of her shoulder. She pulled her shirt down, exposing her collarbone and saw that it circled her neck in some sort of flower and vine pattern. "What happened to me back there?" She was still in shock from the encounter. Despite it being quite warm outside, she pulled the jacket over her shoulders and left the zipper undone to make it seem she wanted it like that. She would have skipped school but she had to drop Sebastian off at work and usually she would bring Nora home with her but she didn't know now that she had found her mate. She walked out of the bathroom. Her stomach was snarling after only a couple nibbles of her fathers toast this morning. She ran to the cafeteria and grabbed a cheeseburger off the serving table before it could be taken by anybody else. She bit into the cheeseburger and almost moaned at the taste of the flavors. Weirdly, she was still hungry so she took a couple cookies and stuffed them into her backpack to eat during her last two classes. She left the cafeteria and headed to her locker to grab the homework from the previous night. She didn't see any of her pack mates so she proceeded to slam her locker door and head to her next class. After school was over, she headed to her car and saw Sebastian already waiting for her. "Guessing Nora is getting a ride from the newbie?" Sebastian asked. "His name is Noah and yes, I believe so." She got into her car and backed out of the parking lot. The ride was quiet as Sirena was lost in her thoughts. She drove slow for now, not in a hurry to get home. She dropped Sebastian off at his work and parked in her driveway. Instead of going inside, she dropped her bag and headed to the forest and shifted. Her body shook as she felt a different power go through her. The shaking stopped and when she looked down, she almost fainted. She had shifted into the dragon she had seen before! Her nostrils flared and her wings flapped uncontrollably. She shifted back to her human form and sat down with her head on her knees. Trying to concentrate, she focused on the energy she felt as a wolf and she tried shifting again. This time when she looked down she was a wolf. "So if I want my wolf I need to concentrate on it. Interesting," she thought to herself. Her claws dug into the dirt floor as she just concentrated on her wolf. "Lets try this again," her thoughts wandered back to the dragon. She focused on the energy she felt being a dragon and shifted. Feeling her senses multiply more, she tried flapping her wings first. They moved in a steady rhythm. Her tail wasn't a problem since she was already used to one anyway. A crazy thought went through her head. "Can I breathe fire?" She exhaled trying to heat her breath to no success. "Hmm. Guess not." She could smell her father out in his wolf form probably tracking her scent. She didn't want him to see her like this. She shifted into her human form and walked away from the spot she was at. She headed back to her house wondering how she was going to explain this new discovery.