

"Am I going to get my heart broken, Pete?"
As soon as I entered the room, I found him standing by the fireplace, waiting for me. I sensed the look on his face and my heart sank. I'd seen that look before. I knew what was coming.
"Am I going to get my heart broken, Pete?" My voice came as a whisper.
But the tears in his eyes confirmed that he heard me.
"That bad, huh?" I let out a nervous laugh.
He blinked and tears rolled down his cheek. I took his hands and pulled him in a hug, to make it easier for him. But it didn't. Instead, loud sobs escaped his lips.
"Hush! It's okay. It's okay." My voice cracked so I started rubbing his back in order to calm him.
And as I held him in my arms, probably for the last time, I started chanting in my head, 'It's okay. It'll be okay. You'll be fine.'
© WordsOnPillow