

Tainted (a Fanfiction story based on Game of Thrones Series) 07
Chapter Seven: Unmasked

Before Jon Snow and his Northsmen had reached the walls of Riverrun,they were ambushed at the Whispering Woods at the Northest part of the Castle by Ramsay and his men, together with his thousands of allies in different houses of North. Then, the massive slaughter among Northsmen had begun.
"You thought you could defeat me and these thousands of armies, Jon Snow?" Ramsay shouted at him, followed by his devious and cunning smile.
"You were just too foolish to think of that, Bastard boy! Look at them! I'm already winning, North would be mine! All of the Northsmen would bow to me and would call me the great Lord of the North and beg mercy from me, even your family, Jon Snow." he continued.
While Jon was full of rage and vengance in his eyes,he gritted his teeth. With supressed anger, he tightly gripped his hands, gave full reins of his horse.
At any moment, either of them would attack first.
"Where's my brother and sister, Ramsay Bolton? Hand them over to me! They had nothing to do with this!" Jon shouted angrily.
"You ever dared hid yourself behind my siblings back and you called yourself the great lord of the North? You must be bluffing, Ramsay Bolton!" as Jon said those words, few of the Northsmen at his side were laughing at Ramsay.
"And the Riverrun was not yours to take, Ramsay! It belongs to the Tully and the Starks, and you have no right of it! Even the North was not yours to take! It never belonged to anyone! I was not the foolish one here! It was you!" he chuckled.
"You were a fool,Jon Snow!" Ramsay shouted. "How about I'll behead your sister first! And next would be your younger brother? That would be a very pleasing sight for us to see! What do you think, bastard? " Ramsay shouted.
And he had succeedingly triggered  Jon Snow's anger when he showed him the terrified Sansa and Rickon, both hands were tightly binded with ropes.
"Jon! Help us!" she shouted to Jon. Sansa feared and loathed Ramsay Bolton so much.
"Free us at this instance, Ramsay!" she strongly commanded but Ramsay had just cunningly laughed at her.
"That would surely made me sad if I would set you free, Dear Sansa." emotions from his eyes were easily shifted to sorrow as he looked at her.
"You're a lunatic, a fool! If you wouldn't free us right at this instance, I swear to the old gods, I would cut your head off with my bare hands!" with fierce in her eyes she dangerously said it to Ramsay.
"Sansa, please stop making him more angry."
Rickon had softly said to her. But his face were still full of terror and fear.
"You, Stark boy!"
Ramsay had pointed at them.
Rickon was startled.
"I want you to run as fast as you can to your brother Jon. And I wished you were still alive when you get there." Ramsay said with a subtled smile.
"N-no! Please, Ramsay! Stop these at once! Don't you ever dare hurt my little brother!"
Sansa had begged and cried for him.
But Ramsay never listened to her.
"Go along now, boy!" Ramsay had seriously said.
The terrified boy, Rickon, was pushed upfront by one of Ramsay's men. While Sansa had continuosly screamed and begged for Ramsay to stop what he had planned to do with her little brother. She knew, he wanted to harm Rickon with his foolish schemes.
Rickon cried and looked at her sister, seeking help from her. But she, too, was helpless.
"Run, Stark boy!" Ramsay's devious and lunatic laugh was heard by some of the Northsmen who were there at the Whispering woods.
As Rickon ran towards his brother. Jon Snow and his men in their horses had charged forward to get Rickon before Ramsay or his flying arrows would.
Ramsay had also ordered his men to follow him to attack Jon and his armies. Taking along the terrified Sansa Stark with him.
If worst should happen, she would be his ace from Jon and the Northsmen.
But Rickon was finally grabbed to safety by Jon Snow. Soonest would be his sister, Sansa. But Ramsay took her with him on his horse.
Great numbers of the Northsmen traitors were defeated. But there were few who still fought with Jon's men.
"It's over, Ramsay. Yield now, or else worst would befall upon you and so with your men."
Jon commanded to him with fierceness in his face and great rage in his heart. He had fought with Ramsay by striking him on his chest with his Valyrian Sword, Longclaw. Ramsay Bolton's body swayed, instantly fell from his horse along with Sansa who cried and screamed in horror as she saw Ramsay's bloody chest.
But Sam Tarly with one of Jon's men had scooped her from the ground and brought her to safety.
"There'no place for the likes of you here! Traitors never win in the North,Ramsay Bolton." Jon mercilessly said. He pointed his longclaw's sharp tip to Ramsay's neck.
Ramsay swallowed hard in fear and horror. It was the end of him. He knew it very well when he saw Jon's eyes were full of hatred.
" Y-You really won, bastard."
Ramsay had struggled to speak due to the endless pain he felt from his bloodied chest.
"It was excellent! a very impressive fight..But you, Starks, could never ever escape from the cursed of House Boltons."
His laugh, it was full of madness and there was a sound of defeat in his voice.
"Jon Snow and the Starks,you wouldn't really care of the great danger that awaited for all of you in Winterfell." he added.
"What were you implying?" Jon's voice became harsh.
Because of what Ramsay had said, he deepened longclaw's sharp tip at Ramsay's neck and it wounded his skin.
"Tell me, what were you plotting in Winterfell?"
Instead, Ramsay answered him with a hoarsed laugh. It hurts Jon's ears. Ramsay was really a true lunatic.
"P-Poor, Jon Snow.. Poor Starks. You would never know of it until one of you is dead."
He continued. His voice, it was mocking Jon Snow.
"Let's cut his head off,Lord Snow."
Suggested one of Jon's trusted men said. He grew annoyed and very impatient with Ramsay.
"Alright. That would be a very pleasing sight for us to see, what do you think, Ramsay Bolton?"
Jon mimicked Ramsay's words.
"Grab him."
Jon ordered his men to take hold of Ramsay as he readied his sword.
Ramsay was terrified.
"Y-You would kill me now?" great pain and disbelief were written on his face.
"It was the best thing to do since we seek justice for all of the Northsmen who fought hard against your madness. And.. you wronged my family." Jon snow in his serious tone.
"What if I would tell you, there's a traitor right under you nose, Jon? Would you spare me and let me live? It would definitely be of your interest to know who was it.."
Jon halted and his brows furrowed.
"Who was it!"
He harshly grabbed Ramsay's neck.
"A t-trueborn Bolton, Jon Snow. A very beautiful highborn with a foreign beauty."
With that, Jon remembered. He grew furious and he hardly strucked Longclaw at Ramsay's neck.
He ordered Sam and his most trusted men to take Sansa and Rickon safely back at Winterfell along with his wounded men. He had to go now as fast as he could. After Ramsay had revealed of Ross Bolton's true-born, he feared for Bran's safety and Maester's. He had protected Sansa and Rickon from his foes. But what about Bran?
He musn't failed his duty to protect his family. He musn't!

He recalled his encounter with her. Who would ever forget of such foreign beauty? So fragile and vulnerable to look at. Begging for his mercy. But still, a saying was true, you could never really judged a book by its cover!
Jon clenched his fists with the thought. He was deceived because of his pity for her!
What a great shame, he had never realized Ramsay and that wench had plotted evil against them! He had let her in and let her lived with them in Winterfell for these long, never knowing of the terrible fate they may had to suffer in her hands. She might have skinned them alive if she had that chance! Yes, it was Bolton's nature to be that cruel and merciful.
So, Jon rode off to Winterfell, enraged and full of vengance in his heart. He remembered Ygrette and his unborn child, the innocent freefolks, Robb;his wife and stepmother Caitlyn who were mercilessly slaughtered by the Bolton's and his men ,and those Northsmen who never took side of the traitors.
Jon felt a hard pang on his chest. There was it again, the endless pain and grief..
Ross and Ramsay were gone..
So, she must be, too..

© melai2020

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