

The Great Southern Land
I wrote this as a reminder of where we come from and who we are. this also applies to those in America caught up in a "blacks and whites" war...
#everylifematters #policematter #youandi


In love and Truth
In light of what is happening around the world, I felt it important to speak up.

I believe every human deserves …

to be treated with love and not judged by the colour of their skin.
To be heard and to grieve their pain.
To be considered.
To be valued.
To see justice.
To have faith.
There have been horrific crimes against humanity, terrible injustices are a common occurrence and that is never said an excuse for them to continue.

I know people who have been persecuted just because of assumptions. I love people who have been treated like crap and It breaks my heart.

This issue with racism is so sensitive for most people who are facing it, and I like to hope it is a sensitive issue because most people want the same thing. I find it a sensitive issue, but not too sensitive for discussion.

On a more personal note:

I am a woman, a daughter, a granddaughter, an Aunty, a lover of people and a friend.

I'm a failure too and an overcomer of many great failures and possibly many more to come...

I'm an Australian, a pasty white Australian ... because several generations ago my family (on all sides) migrated to this great Southern Land.

We worked, loved, suffered, laughed, lost, grieved and gained. And I'm proud of all of my family members, they are beautiful and diverse in nature and belief.

I'm proud of what they built in my character and I am ashamed that I've let them down in the past with my selfishness and addictions

But …

I am blessed to have been forgiven, I'm blessed to be loved anyway, despite the bad stuff. I'm grateful.

I'm grateful because my family push me and encourage me, they are my people.

Many many people who are a part of this country are here because of horrifying histories, war has displaced the world for generations throughout history. We live on an eclectic land.

I know people even in my lifetime who ran from terror to build a life for their children, a life that would be safe and prosperous, free from oppression. Those people, well, they come in all colours shapes and sizes ... and saying that is not to minimise what any people group or culture has had to / been forced to endure. It is to acknowledge that to some degree (however great or small) ... We all ... have common ground. That common ground is this place, this land we call home. It is our desire to love and be loved, to live and let live. It is in our humanity, in our being and our soul because we are people.

I've struggled a lot the past couple of weeks, seeing the anger, pain, death and carnage. Human suffering will always break our hearts and weigh heavily on our spirits. It may drive us to anger too, or repentance.

I cannot prefer one colour over another, or one person's death above another. I see people, I see wounded people. I see a desperate need for love, and love is an action people much choose to take. It is a difficult action to take in the face of persecution or anger.

But love is the one thing that every person is fighting for.

Jesus Christ is my hope, my rock, my teacher and the light at the end of every tunnel.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, oh Lord."

... You ... are not alone. We, are not alone in our pain and we also have eachother. We share in eachothers burdens.

May God bless you and bring your mind and soul peace in these turbulant times.

May we never forget to love one another.

What is your favourite book of the bible to read (if you had to pick just one), why do you like it and why have you picked it?