

I'm stronger than yesterday
In the past I used to be so emotionally weak...I hurt easily ..I loved a lot ..suffered from disheartenment. I became very depressed to a point when I couldn't handle my life ..I felt like giving up.. because I had lost everything I had ever dreamt of having ..like my dreams to study medicine were shattered due to illness.

It took me twenty years to recover..from the illness I faced. What helped me get through this illness called depression was my strong belief in God. Jesus became my forever friend and forever has no end. Once I realized that God's real .He is with me always ..I became stronger than my yesterdays hurts and pain..

So my advice to you is don't give up in life.. Achieve your dreams because I'm also in the process of achieving my dreams as well. Be courageous and don't let anyone or anything out you down. Trust in God always and you will be rewarded by the saving grace of Jesus himself.