

SPACE ARMADA E03 : ' Step towards Future '
( This is purely Fictional )

Part 1 : Father's Arrival

The door bell rang . Neon was writing a diary . She rushed towards the door to open it . When she opened the door , she found the Post Drone , which had came there to deliver the letter of her father . She gave her fingerprint and took the letter .

She went to her bedroom and opened the envelope . She found that it was a letter from the archeological company investigating Netron , Rubix Labs . She thought of not reading it as it was an official letter sent to her father . So , she called her Dad to tell him about this , but he wouldn't receive it as it was switched off .

At night , his Dad finally returned . By the time he reached his house , she found her daughter asleep . He thought of not disturbing her .
He found the letter sent by Rubix Labs . He read it . It's main motive was to inform that element Netron had been found and was found to be highly radioactive . Brian was asked to come to Rubix Labs next day and continue research .

Part 2 : The Future

Brian went to Rubix Labs the next day . He met his assistant Ray . They went into the safe chamber where Netron Rock was placed . They started testing the rock to find out what it can do . Earlier tests had already confirmed that it can find 50+ viruses but in further tests , it concluded that it can't be placed into human body directly .
Brian - Ray , it can't be poured into human body . The tissues will disintegrate into trillions of atoms .

Ray - I am feeling the same thing , it's very hot out here . Well , i think its ore is preventing its radiation .

Brian - It can only be used in its impure form . Ray , arrange a conference for its biotic research . Make sure this news doesn't get public . Otherwise , the media will not allow us to conduct research . ( walks away )

Ray - Sir , where are you going ?

Brian - I got a daughter Ray ! She haven't met me still now .

Ray - Sir , quarantine !

Brian - Oh right ! We have to do that too !

To be continued ....

© Chayan Behera