

Chapter 1

The bell signaling the end of the college rings. However, today, this bell is somewhat different. Starting tomorrow, summer vacation will begin. Therefore, Rony, Raj, and Aish are making plans today for these holidays.

Rony: Raj and Aish come to my house tomorrow; we all will dicide some exciting plans


Raj and Aish: okay

Rony returning from college at home,


Rony : Hey dad I'm Back


Rony's dad: Hey Son welcome home , how was your day?


Rony : As usual daddd....

Rony's dad: "Your summer holidays are starting from tomorrow, so what plans have you made?"

Rony: "Raj and Aish and I will decide tomorrow."

Rony's dad: "Rony, you should do something interesting and adventurous. Find a unique experience, like I did, son.""

Rony laughed. "Dad, your old so-called adventurous stories sound like fairytales. That's not how the real world works, dad."

Rony's dad: "But son, some stories are true, like..."

Rony: "Okay, okay, dad. Now please leave me alone; I need some rest."

Rony's dad: "Okay, son."


Chapter 2:

Next day Raj and Aish come to Rony's house.

Doorbell rings...

Raj: "Hey Rony, it's me, Raj, and Aish."

Door opens.

Rony: "Hey Raj, hey Aish, come inside. We'll discuss in my bedroom."

Aish and Raj: "Okay."

Rony: "What would you like to have, Raj?"

Raj: "Just a glass of water."

Rony: "And you, Aish?"

Aish: "Nothing, thank you!"

Raj: "Rony, where is Venky uncle?"

Rony: "He went to Bangalore for some work; he'll be back tomorrow."

Aish: "So, what are we going to do for the holidays?"

Raj: "I don't think we are doing anything interesting this year as well."

Rony: "No, guys, not this time. We will definitely do something interesting."

Aish: "(laughing) Haha, sure."

Raj: "So, what have you decided? Do you have any plans?"

Rony: "Yes, I've noted down some. Let me show you both." (searching for the notebook where he noted)

"Oh no, I can't find the notes in this notebook."

Aish: "I know you don't have any plans."

Raj and Aish (both laugh): "Hahaha."

Rony: "No, really. I have noted it. I think the notebook was exchanged with my dad's notebook. Let's check in my dad's room."

All start searching in Venky's bedroom.

Raj: "I don't find any notebook."

Aish: "Neither do I."

Rony: "Oh, dad, come on, don't say you carried it with you."

Raj: "Hey Rony, can we check in your dad's research room?"

Rony: "No, never. He has forbidden us from going into that room."

Raj: "But we won't do anything. We'll just check and bring the notebook out."

Rony: "But if he finds out..."

Raj: "Are you scared? No one will know."

Rony: "Let's drop it. We can make other plans. It's not right to enter someone's private room."

Raj: "Come on, Aish, nothing will happen. We're just checking."

Everyone enters Venky's research room.

Aish: "Oh my god! This room is so messed up." (papers scattered everywhere)

Raj: "Rony, what is all this? Why are there papers everywhere?"

Rony: "Guys, relax. He is a historian and archaeologist. Maybe he was in the middle of some important research."

Aish: "But how would we find a notebook in so much mess?"

Raj: "Let's start from scratch. Maybe we'll find some other plan while looking for the notebook."

Everyone starts searching for the notebook. Suddenly, Rony finds a secret compartment in his father's table drawer.

Rony: "Guys, look at this. See what I found."

Aish: "Oh come on. First, the messy room, and now a secret compartment in the drawer. Rony, let me tell you, your father is really a weirdo."

Raj: "Yeah, right. But let's check what's inside."

Rony: "No, Raj."

Raj: "Rony, look at this! This secret compartment needs a password to open. Don't you think Aish is right? A messy room, a drawer with a secret compartment that has a password. Don't you think this is suspicious?"

Rony: "Okay, okay, but what is the password?"

Raj: "Let's think, Rony. Can you guess any?"

Rony: "How would I know?"

Raj: "Come on, you're his son. You know him better. His favorite restaurant, food, birthdate, anything. Come on."

Rony: "Okay, let's try his birthdate."

Raj: "Oh no, it's incorrect. It says only two attempts remain. After that, everything inside will be destroyed automatically."

Rony: "Raj, no, we should stop this."

Aish: "Yes, Raj. Rony is right. We should get out of this room before anything bad happens."

Raj: "Oh, come on. Look at this. What do you think? What's so important that it will automatically destroy? Think about it, man. Try to think. What's so crucial that your dad's password can save?"

(Rony deeply thinking........)


Rony: Ok, so my dad always told me that his life changed after my mother died. It was a mystery; no one knows how she died. He regrets that he wasn't with her on that day. Every year, on that day, 11/07/1996, he seems different. So Try this date.


Raj: Okay ,so....

plz work plz plz plz..

yeah .... it worked .so lets open it .



(As they opened it they found a book ...)


Aish : Oh Its a book , but thier is no title on it, why does any body hide a book in the secret compartment.


Rony: Well I dont know.


Aish : Ok, But its not opening


Raj: what, Let me try, ohh really its not opening


Then Rony also tries to open it, but he couldn't. After everyone tries and the book does not open, they finally give up. They decide to put the book back in the secret compartment. But Raj emulate like he put the book in it ,but he didnt. He caries the book with him to his home )




Chapter 3



Now, its been two days after that day , Rony and Aish Still tries to call him , and they both decide to visit him at his home. After they reached out at raj's home ,


Rony: (Rings The door bell) Hey, Raj are you there


(raj's mom opens the door)


Raj's Mom: Hello, Rony beta


Rony: Hello Aunty, Where is Raj


Raj's Mom: Sorry beta I havent informed you but raj is missing from last two days .


(Rony and Aish were shocked)


Rony:(shokingly) Wha..Wha..What , But how ?


Aish: IS anything bad happen to him?


Raj's Mom: I dont no anything



Now its been 6 days since Raj is missing and suddenly

Rony realized his father hadn't returned since going to Bangalore. He tried calling his father, but his phone was unreachable. The next day, he tried again, but it was the same. Its go on for 3 more days and the same unreacheable.Now Rony realise something is suspisious and fishy . So Rony calls Aish


Rony: (On Call) Hello, Aish Can we meet?


Aish: Rony, What happened ? Its 11.30 pm I cant go outside


Rony : I think my father is also missing from 2 days before from where Raj was missing.


Aish:What ? How can u say that ?


Rony: I dont Know exactly . But meet me at Raj's House, we may find some lead from their, I have Checked my house but I havent gfind anything


Aish: OK Ok Tum pohcho , mai ati hu


Rony: ok Bye! (cuts the call)


Now rony wait for Aish in front of raj's house, and here Aish comes


Rony:Hey Aish ,you have taken a long


Aish: Just look at the time Rony.


Rony : Ok Ok,

Aish: Now what


Rony: Now Just search for the evidence and any suspisious things in the house lets start from the Hall.


Aish: ok


(After searching in the whole house)


Rony:Now the only Room left is Raj's bedroom


Aish: ok lets do this fast I'm feeling sleepy now



(while searching the room )


Rony: Hey Aish Look , I found the book


Aish: Ya its the book from that day


Rony: That means he havent put it back , ok let it be ,have you find something suspisious


Aish:No Nothing


(Rony throughs the book on table )


Aish: Rony Its been very hot here ,can you plz open the window


(Rony Opens the window and Aish screams )


Rony: What happened Aish, why are you screaming?


Aish: Lo..Loo..Look at the book o..o...o..on the Table


(rony looks at the table and what he see that the book is glowing /shining bright )


Aish: but ..but how is it possible ,it wasnt glowing on that day


Rony: Look, it's the full moon today. When we opened the window, the moonlight may have fallen on the book. That may be the reason.


Aish: Look Rony There is something written on the back side of this book


Rony: What? Its..Its....Something in spanish like... Mi historia está incompleta,

Cada una de mis emociones es pura,

Imagina este mundo mío,

Pensé que era mi amigo.

Ahora llámame tu pase


Aish: Rony , Look the book is opening itself,


(and the big light with the storm comes from the book)


Aish: What is this now? its pulling us inside. plz do something rony.....


Rony: I cantable to move myself ,its fast , just hold my hand tight Aish.


Aish: ok



(And after they got pulled in to the book ,they were sub-consious when they wake up..)


Aish:heyy. Rony .. Hey..Rony Wake up ...Rony WAke up


(Rony just woke up and looked around. He found himself in the middle of the jungle. He can't believe what happened to them. He just can't understand what's going on around him.)


Aish: Where are we?


(Rony Realise that they were pulled inside the book )


Rony: I think Aish we are inside the book........





Chapter 4



After Aish realized they were in the book, she was shocked. They don't know what they have to do to get out of this mess. But suddenly rony realise something



Rony: Aish Do you observe something ?


Aish: What?


Rony: Raj was missing from last 28 days ,that means exactly from the last full moon day


Aish: You mean, that Raj is also inside this book?


Rony: I'm not really sure , but may be, so now lets go find our beloved stupid friend


Now Rony and Aish start moving deep into the forest to find Raj. As they go deeper, they notice someone is following them.


Rony:Aish its look like someone is following us


Aish:I dont think so, I havent notice anyone, aur itne ghane jungle mai kon hi aayega aur wo bhi book me



rony: May be wild animals


Aish: Plz Rony dont say like that


After walking some distance they found a river )


Rony: Ok Aish, drink some water now. We don't have anything to carry water with. Also, we don't have food or clothes. We'll have to spend the night on the trees.


Aish: On the trees ,really


Rony: Otherwise your gonna be meal of any hungry animal


Aish: No plz, I'm fine with it


(Rony and Aish now have to spend the night on the trees , and the night falls and its the morning... and oh! no where are they )


Aish: oh! no rony Where are we , and who are these people


(Rony and aish both were tied to the trees on the ground )


Rony : they seem to be the tribal comunity people,

       hey ..hey man where are we and why our hands are tied,


(Man 1: Just staring at the rony )


Rony: Hey can you even understand our language

      Hey man I am talking to you


(Man 1 just silently standing)


Aish to Rony: I dont think they understand our language


(and the Man 1 and Man 2 rony aur aish ko unke kabile ke samne pesh karte hai)


Aish to Rony: Now what gonna they do with us?


Rony: How would I know?


(And suddenly, a man from the tribal shouts, "Hail the leader!" Everyone starts sloganeering, "Hail the leader!" Then, the tribe's leader arrived.)


Tribe leader to Tribe guards: (in their language)  who are these strangers?


Man1 fromtribal: we found them in the jungle, they feel suspisious to us , so we bring them here


Tribe leader: Ok, So strangers , what are your names?


Rony: what he can speak our language?

      Okay..okay ...so my name is rony and she is Aish..

      (Rony Panically and fastly...) So plz can you tell me what is these place and who are you people



tribe leader: Oh , welcome to the the kingdom of living chaturanga


Rony: (shockingly) Oh , Fuck Hows that even possible? It cant be


Aish: What going on rony


Rony : Aish , Its the story of the chaturanga kingdom which my father told in the childhood. how he helped this people and all. For many such years I thought Its just the imagination of my dad , but now we are really here


© pain.in.pain_2211