

Today something should be written on a man. It is always written on the woman every time.
And the man is thrown out of dessertation by giving the name of unfaithful...
So why not write on some man's caste today..
A man is also a human being, first of all we need to understand this.
Man is a very cute and sweet person.. Sometimes he protects us as a father, sometimes he becomes our protector in the form of a brother.
Sometimes as a husband, works hard day and night to fulfill all our needs. Yes man is also human, yes man also feels pain.. Yes man also loves and Love lasts till the end.. But a man is very tough life, words break his heart, trouble brings tears to him too, But hides the tears as if it didn't hurt..
Man who has very tough life.. leaves the world with pain but does not let the tears come out.. yes men feel it too.. Men also have feelings..
May be, the words should be read less, to write something on the man .....!!!
But yes these men are also very cute, and they are loving too.....!!!!

© G.Khaleel AñsãRî