

The Interview
Reporter: Your grace, please tell your side of the story?
Bryan: Thank you for having me. I want to focus on the first headline. I and King Jay's rumor is true. He and I had a relationship for nine months, and we broke up before my wedding to Princess Venorica and before his coronation.
Reporter: so no
Bryan: no
Reporter: Second, rumors about Rose's pregnancy?
Bryan: Rose's first pregnancy was before the royal wedding of Rose and Jayden. The second pregnancy was on their honeymoon. Both from a different man
Reporter: Different man? Are you accusing Princess Rose, you, King Jayden of adultery.
Bryan: yes
Reporter: Are you aware that you and everybody is imagined on the line?
Bryan: yes
Reporter: were you paid or made to do this interview
Bryan: no
Reporter: Well, thank you for sharing your story. Tomorrow King Jayden will be here. But until then, Jess Out.

Jayden runs through the halls embarrassed and ashamed. Jayden runs in the door to his dad's office, where Rose sits in a chair.
Jayden: You basbard
John; Jay
Jayden: do you know how much pain you have caused in this Kingdom
John: Jay
Jay: You worthless whore
John: JAY!
Jay; What!
John: we have a bigger problem. What are you going to tell the reporter/The Kingdom about this horrible marriage?
Rose: horrible?
Jay: shit, the fucking truth.
Holly walks in
John: baby, what are you doing out of bed, my love
Holly: i got tired of staring at the ceiling
Jay: but still, mom, you need rest
Holly; I was let go yesterday, but your dad told the doctors to keep longer
John: yeah, because I worried about you
Holly: awe. Now, this is a healthy relationship
Rose: excuse m...
Jay: look, we have to figure out the best way to talk to the Kingdom and court.
Holly: well, you only have 24 hours, so you better figure it out
John: And you two need to talk about what to share and what not to share
Jay and Rose: you right
Kai runs in the door
Kai: Jay! governer Allen is here
Jay: SHIT!

© Jordan