

Student Exchange Programme (P-3)
Remainder: Hope so you will read the first part and second one and now here we start.
In every story starting theres is gonna be some lines of commitment... Ignore if uh dont like...These commitment are of lile present coz remember the story is going on in past...✨
Some things change, and when they do, it either hurts alot or fill darkness in your life, The change is necessary but how you deal is either a permanent damage or temporary hurt🔥❤️
My mom who was sweet and caring is shouting in anger, well for me that was something new, something i wasnt familiar with.
She asked me then in a rush and anger tone,
"Pack your stuff and get in the car down"
Seeing her like this i didn't ask much and packed my stuff and so i reply,
"Okay, just gimme some time to pack"
"No need" she said
As i was amusedly surprise and ask
"Your stuff is already packed just change and get down"
"Oh-Okay, But what about school?"
"What about it, you are going to school i never said you to skip it"
"Okay, see you down"
"You have 2mins, i m counting"
Soo shocked was i by her actions that i didnt wait for a second and get in the bath , changed clothes as soon as possible and get down to her.
"Good" she said "Now get in the car"
"Yeah" I got out and there was another surprise, A limousine with a driver, I am neither some vip or celebrity but this is kinda too much, for a second I thought some one else has got the car, i stand there as for waiting for my car aka a taxi maybe to arrive, Soon after my mom came and asked
"What are you doing here? I asked you to get in the car."
"Waiting for the car or taxi"
"Are you blind or just dumb"
Well that was rude,
Then she entered the limousine, like she owned it...
I hopped in..
And soon we drived to a mansion, amused rather surprised i was.
The butler came along i see some maids everywhere, My mum asked the butler to show me my room, like my room, well life is full of surprises,it was a very huge. The question that came was it was costly as well then how can we afford it?
I rushed down the stairs to my mom.
And asked but again was her cruel self
"Its not your business, you have got everything then enjoy instead of complaing"
She slid a credit card to me while saying. I was wondering what is this... a dream maybe i tried wake up but well it was reality.
Soon the day came of Student Exchange Programme, Well i was not much used to luxuryby now cause everyone in school was just drooling over me and there is no lack of gold digger some even wanted to be friends with me, the mean bully girls who teased me asked me to join their group, well a wasnt usually a center of attention, things change i suppose.
One more thing changed was my mom, she was never home, didnt talk to me either, well money do miracles.
To be continued 👀
Stay tuned 🔥

© Ishu.writes❤️