

Chapter 10
The water ran from the foset in the small attached kitchen in our room. I washed my hands of the blood. Sithe's and Riah's blood. I could hear Issac helping clean the blood from his mom as I turned the foset off. "There you go, just keep it on there." he said letting his mom hold onto a towel filled with ice for her bruises. I walked over to them, "How is it?" I asked his mom. She looked up at me, first stunned, but then quickly turned mad looking away from me. "So, you're one of them." she said. I looked at my feet ashamed. "Yes." I quietly said. "So, it's your fault my husband is dead." She said looking back at me, anger this time was the only feeling that risee from her, like steam from boiling water. "It's because of you my son suffered!" she angrily exclaimed. "Mom, don't." Issac said grabbing her arm. "No, she's right." I said looking at them, the ashamed feeling still holding strong to me. "It is my fault your husband's dead." I said biting my lips, feeling tears fall from my eyes. "I'm the one who broke you out, and wanted to go with you. I didn't stop to think about how it would effect the people around you. It was selfish of me to think it'll all be ok. And, I'm sorry." I said looking at my feet again. "But, it's too late to change it now." I said looking up at them. "We can't go back in time, or change the past. So, all we can do is just move forward, and try to make it out alive." I said to them. Issac nodded agreeing, and his mom looked down. "We're only one state away from DC. As long as we keep going, we can survive this." I said hoping to give them a bright side to all of it. "Ok. What's the plan?" Issac asked. I smiled pleased that he believed in it, and pulled out a map on the table. "Here is DC." I said pointing close to the borderline of Maryland and Virginia. "And here's where we are." I added pointing to a spot in West Virginia. "The fastest way to get from here we are to DC, would probably be just to go east, across the state. Then, when we get to Maryland we go to the authorities emedeitly." I said leaning over the map. "What about when we get there?" Issac's mom asked looking at me. "What's going to happen to you since you're one of them?" she asked. I sighed, "Maybe I'll get let off easy since I helped Issac escape, as well as escaping myself. But, more likely, they'll kill me." I said, bitter and cold. She seemed surprised, and looked away. "Well, if it's going to be like that." she said, trying not sound like she cared. Issac shook his head, "But, they won't do that without a far trial. Right?" he asked. "I doubt I'll have the court's sympathy on my side." I said leaning back. "But, that's not important right now." I said, casting my eyes to the map. "The important thing, is to get you two safe. So, I say we get a new car, and we leave, tomorrow." I said. Issac nodded agreeing with me, and we rested that night. The next day, we packed up quickly at the crack of dawn, grabbed a new car, and hit the road. Issac sat in the passenger seat as I drove, and his mom slept in the back seats. as night came, I looked over to Issac, and sighed before saying, "You know there's a good chance that they're just going to sentience me to death, right?" He looked over at me, and slightly nodded, "Yeah, but there's also a chance that you could just serve in jail." he said. I shook my head, "No, you don't get it. If they do send me to my death, and that's probably exactly what they're going to do, don't plea for me." I said. "What? Of course I'm going to plea for you. We both will." he said glancing at his mom. "No, I don't want you two to plea for me." I said. "What why?" he asked. I looked out the window, "I have my reasons, so respect my choice." I said. "No!" he quietly exclaimed. "Not unless I know the reasons!" "You want to know why!" I hissed in a hushed voice that seemed to surprise him. "It's because I did a lot of bad things! You know, I cut open innocent people's corpses. And, I didn't care! Not if it was just a little girl, or elder man!" I said. "I need to be punished for it. I want to be punished for it. So, I don't want you to stop me." I added. He stayed silent, probably deciding what else to say. "You know." he said looking out his window. "You may have done a lot of bad in your life. But, you're making it right." He said, and looked over at me. "You helped me escape when you could've just cut me piece by piece. You killed your own sisters so you could get me to safety. And, you're going straight to the authorities to turn yourself in, when you know there's a big chance that they'll kill you. I say, you atoned for what you did. Even if you don't believe it. I do." He said. I stayed silent, not sure what to say to that. That conversation ended after that, and the journey just continued. And soon, we were close. Close to safety. Close to freedom. Close to death. "Issac!" I exclaimed tapping him roughly waking him up. "We're almost there!" I said excitedly. He looked forward, and smiled happily at the signes pointing to DC. "We're almost there." I said, "We're going to make it-" The car was shoved off the road, rolling down a brush coated hill. The windows smashed around us, and the metal bent unnaturally, making me quickly pass out. When my eyes snapped open again, I felt cutting pain in multiple areas, and bruised all over. I looked over to Issac, he was bleeding everywhere, but mostly from a huge gash across his face under his eyes. I turned to my door, painfully turning my body to rest my feet on it. I started to kick at the crack of the door. After a while, it bursted open, and I dragged myself out, feeling a sharp pain in my right leg. I stood up, ignoring the pain and pried open Issac's side of the car, pulling him out too. I looked over to see a different car a few feet from us. And, immediately recognized the bright red color. And seeing driver step out, I was right. "Amarah."