

the words of my mother
Maami but I really love this guy, ever since he came into my life, my happiness has known no bounds.

See this small child with no experience, my mother said.

"A child can have many clothes like the elders but cannot have rag than the elders" Maami quoted. Do you know what that means Ayoka?

Maami I don't know what you are talking about and I don't care, I am just here to tell you about Dekunle.

I am so sad that Maami even though she has always supported me through a lot refuse to support me now when I need it the most.
I am at the backyard of our small house which was the only thing we inherited from Baami after his mysterious death. I am really crying my eyes out and even though I know I will end up with a puffy eyes I didn't stop crying.

Ayoka omo mi( my child) I have seen many days and I will say some are good while some are bad. You saw all the bad things your dad's family did to me after his death. They confiscated all his properties and now we are left with no choice but to live in the small hole.
Ayoka, I met your dad when I was barely of age. Imagine how your mother was then, my mother said. I loved him so much but I was just naive. I didn't have a life of my own. when my mates were fighting to be successful in life, I was planning on becoming a mother and a good wife.

the fact that I didn't plan my future well has made me so dependent on your father. what happened when he died? I felt myself die with him because I lost all hope.

Ayoka you are only 19 and I like the woman you are becoming.
You are a beautiful black woman, ambitious, talented. so please focus on yourself and train yourself to become an independent woman who is going to be a support to her husband instead of a liability.

But--- my mother interrupted me. if you are worried if Dekunle will wait for you. He will, only if he loves you because a man who loves his woman will assist her dreams.

Do you still want to get married? Maami asked me. No Maami I want to work on myself because I am all I got.

Thanks Ayoka for listening to the words of your mother, Maami said with a big smile