

I was raped and you were born
Anele Zulu was a naive girl who lived with her parents Mr and Mrs Zulu.Anele was doing grade 9 so she lived far from school and she was going alone to school and when she comes back home.One day when Anele come back home from school,they was a man who was standing with a gun.The man point Anele with a gun and the tragedy happened to her,she was raped.Anele was crying and bleeding so when she didn't tell her parents because her father was very strict.Mr Zulu was working in the mine and he was working for his daughters Anele and Zethu who was doing grade 4.Mr Zulu's children got everything they wanted and in return they must pass and they didn't have friends,they were always indoors studying. Anele was scared.That man was always standing in the corner holding a gun and he always raped Anele and didn't do anything every day she knew when she arrives at the corner what she must do and what is going to happen.Three weeks later her mother woke her up ,she was dizzy and vomiting so she went to the clinic and they found out she was pregnant.Her parents were angry even so she was crying because she was raped so she told her parents everything. Mr Zulu was a Christian so he didn't believe in abortions so he decided to keep the baby and it will be raised by Mrs Zulu as their own.Nine Months later Anele gave birth to a baby girl called Thando.Thando was an albino so Anele didn't love her daughter.Anele was sent to boarding school in Europe and Thando was raised by Mr and Mrs Zulu.16years later , Thando was 16 years old and she was living with Mrs Zulu ,she doing grade 10.Peopl were Thando because of her skin they were bullying her and it made her to have low self esteem.Thando was intelligent.Anele was a general practitioner a Dr but she was hating Thando, when she came to visit her mother she was ill treating Thando.One they went to grave yard to visit Mr Zulu ,he is dead he was killed by brain cancer so Thando was close to her grandpa and Anele didn't love it.There was a boy called Thabo ,her was bullying Thando calling her buy names but he was a bully because of a reason.Today at Thando's school they wrote a test so she was the toppest one in the class and Thabo was the lowest so they asked Thando to help him.At first was hectic but now they became very close like they were together in school even if someone talked ill about Thando ,Thabo was hitting them.Thando and Thabo heard a relationship that was very too much and few weeks later they found that Thando was pregnant.When Anele heard that she was devastated and she punished Thando , she wanted her to do an abortion.Thabo knew about the baby and he wanted the baby but his family denied they were saying that they cannot raise the baby of an albino.Thando and Thabo didn't listen they wanted to keep the baby so they stole the money from their families and decided to run away.In the their families saw the letters they wrote , their families went to the bus stops, airport, train stations lucky they found them in a train going to Cape town.Anele hugged her daughter and Thando was so surprised that Anele hugged her for the first time.Anele decided to tell Thando the truth so Thando understood even Thabo's family welcomed Thando .Thabo and Thando have a baby girl called Precious and they are living their life together.
LOVE YOU 💖💖💖💖💖