

If Stephen King Was Black
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Revival by Stephen King:

He unlocked a door and led me through an office that was empty of furniture, although I could still see square clean patches on the grimy linoleum, where the legs of a desk had once stood. On the wall was a curling calendar with April 1989 showing. The precarious smog that over took the gleaming glow of the moon was tremendously breathtaking. Granted that you weren't standing in the middle of one of the largest metropolitan cities in America. Houston, Texas where "You come on vacation, leave on probation! Which are the words all tourist see when entering this melting pot of advid adjective, adventuristc individuals, unique heartbreak, and tons of unadulterated enjoyment. If had around the right people in the right setting.
We left Julius exploring the contents of a souvenir shop to get closer to the overly enthusiastic front counter girls. As he was about ready to pounce, his cell phone blared a not to bad, but not known enough to be good tone tthe at stopped him in his track. Joy! Let's go. Joy is Julius's two year old daughter who looks 5 and has the biggest eyes to match her huge heart. The apple of all eyes. Ju, which is what everyone started calling him as soon as they said the ominous name Julius a few times. Rumor had it that Ju went on to live an alluring life with several hundred thousand fans, which amassed to a swarm of die hard loyalists that are not ashamed to say they love G'pettoe. Before we dive into our protagonist's alter ego, let's just back team years at 20 year old Julius a force of nature that resembled the build of a lumberjack and a linebacker with the poise of a point guard that attended Indiana state university. Like for Part 2!
© Johnny Bernard Thomas III