

At the mountain top
On the camping night
Both sitting on a rock
Watching dim-yellow fireflies
The twinklings flashing into the balls of their eyes
Mesmerizingly beheld; mouths open wide
Getting excited to catch them tight
In the firm fists with all her might
With twisting smirk smiled her lover alright
Not a big deal to catch one of the fireflies
Childish she was for a ling time
Pretended to be strong; and that she was fine
In her heart she still wanted to visit
Have someone take her to the hill
Pleasure and joy were fate of heights.
Felt she'ld never go; and used to sigh
God felt pity and sent her a man
To vanish her sorrows; extend a hand
Of love; of faith; of trust and believe
Pull her out of the dark and relieve
Their story is a fun to recite
Started off at a station; on a winter night
She was kicked out and had nowhere to go
Sudden homelessness gave her quite a blow
Then as an angel descending from heaven
He approached her as their fates were written
As she was freezing; on the brink of death
He rescued her as if god himself
She convinced herself just for once
To try and trust this handsome hunk
As if it were her true calling
He met up her dreams and all that she was aiming
A blessing in disguise that she felt;
Landed especially for her on the ground; as he knelt
And pulled out a ring to make her wear
She nodded her head with joyful tears
Rings exchanged and vows were sworn
" I do!!!!" was said and a booket was thrown
Then away she was taken at the hill
The dream she once saw; he has fulfilled!
© soumi's_here