

If I Could Go Back
If I could go back with knowledge I have now
I'd do some things different, and I'll tell you how

I'd be true to myself, right from the start
Not letting opinions tear me apart

I'd be softer and kinder to ones that I love
Knowing that soon, they'd be up above

I'd look in the mirror and love what I saw
Not overanalyzing each little flaw

I'd slow down and enjoy the smallest of things
Not rushing to see what the next chapter brings

I'd say no to a drink, although it seemed fun
Understanding that I could not have just one

I'd do what was right and not what was cool
Being a hero instead of a fool

I'd chase after my dreams, and not the next high
Kissing years of addiction goodbye

I'd learn from mistakes and I'd grow from the shame
Knowing that I would have no one to blame

I'd explain to myself, in every way I knew how
That none of this matters, and to live in the now

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