

Friendship and the Virus
All things went fine that day and I was very happy as my 12th boards were over. I had a friend Claire who was fun loving and had an addiction to partying. Claire was a type of person who would never spend her time at home and would never lose any chance of having fun outdoors.
Since the exams were over Claire called all her friends at her place for a friends meet next evening. It was around 7 PM that I got a message from Claire in which she wrote about tomorrow's meet. This was the time when a pandemic was spread but was not yet in our country so I decided to attend it. My parents watched only and only news channels at that time and i thought of why they are intrested so much in the news about the virus that has not spread in our country and then slowly I slept thinking about how would i ask permission from my parents to go to the friends meet at Claire's house. Next morning I woke up early and requested my parents to let me go to Claire's house but they rejected my request and told me not to go at any crowded place because a family virus case has been reported in the news in our neighbourhood colony. I was not that serious about the virus as i didnt knew anything about it and told my parents that all my friends are coming to the friends meet but they said only one thing that I should go to my room and not even think about going out of the house. I got to my room shut the door and cried for sometime as all my friends were going and only my parents were so possessive about me.
After I got cooled down I called Claire and told her that I cannot come and that I am sorry about it. She told me that she would talk to my parents but I didn't want her to indulge in a fight with my parents so I denied. I told her that if I would not come that's not a big deal because all other friends are coming and so there will be a lot of entertainment over there which I woyld definately miss.... And I told her not to forget about sending me the pics after the meet ASAP because I was curious to know who came and what happened there and she agreed.
Friends meet was in evening so I thought to remind Claire about sending me the pics tomorrows morning as after the party they all would be tired. In the morning I called Claire and got a shocking news. It was her mother who recieved and she told me that Claire is very sick and is in the hospital right now. I was in shock after hearing this and sympathise her mother that she would be fine soon. I told this news to my mother and she switched on the television and i was again in a shock. It was in the news that there is a sudden appearence of around 47 new cases of the virus has been reported and that also of teenagers who were partying at Claire's house. This news felt upon me like a thunderbolt but also was in a relief that because I was not there. After a little investigations it was confirmed the few days earlier Claire's sister came from a foreign country which was badly affected by the virus and its her sister's special drink that she made for Claire's friends spread the virus with which she was affected. After few days I got a call from Claire and she told me that the is completely fine now and wanted me to come and see her. At this time there was a complete lockdown in our country so as to stop the spread. I told her that since there is a lock down I am not going anywhere and upon hearing this she told me that if i didn't come then she would come at my place. I know that was terrible to hear as Claire just now returned from the quarintine and I did'nt had any choics other that saying what I really think. First I thought that it would hurt her but then I came up with an idea and called Claire. I told her that when she was in quarintine which was a few days before lockdown I went to my grandparents house and is currently there. This statement of mine saved me as well as it didnt hurt Claire.
Thank you!
(this is a fictional story and the characters mentioned are not in real)
#friendship #situations #parentslove
#virus #lockdown