


Last month one of my close friend expired , i called her and when i called her it's been already 9 days from his last breath , and i was shocked, nothing come in my mind .
I am preety sure that we all faced such situation where we lost our near and dear and we unable to do anything.
Yesterday i came to know one of my friend's story , and the same thing repeated .

by telling u all these things what i want to say is that
from all these things what i realised that we keep focusing on our growth , our carrer , our dreams and all , it's okay we sholud focus , but on what conditions ,
is it really worth it to ignore relationships for carrer.
Just want to know who will be there for u if u r not with someone , who will cheers for u if achieve something , who will share ur pain when u r in pain .

Achieve your goals , achieve your well deserved success but not on the condition of losing friends .
Many years ago i read a story where these things explained about charming success and life's unpredectibility and circumstances , but at the end of the day what all we need is some moments of satisfaction , whether with your partner , or with your friends , so always keep in mind that do achieve your goals but keep your closed ones near you .

And you will see that they will give you more strength to face life's problems .
Have a goal to live your life and celebrate your success with your dear ones . ☀️🤞

Share your feelings if u have for someone , life is too short to wait for the right time . ❣️❣️
It's never gonna be right time , the very moment you relaise something for someone , go and share to them and u will see how beautiful life is .❤️😌
© Sandhu