

Universal bond
As God so loveth creation so does a mother love and cherish her offsprings.kids a blessing from God almighty constitute the pride of every woman who has a good mind frame but it is with great disappointment that certain consider these precious pearls as a source of burden. Some years back in a small community called Mondoni lived a great man called Elvis who was born with his eyes open and grew up to be a mystery to all he had a strong faith that could make the impossible possible yet was guided by humility settling amongst others in love and peace,Mr Elvis got married to an orphan named Dorothée and they had long days of happiness but unfortunately for them it took them many years of barreness previous to the birth of their first son whom they named dipita meaning hope, dipita was the gateway to a joyous family for after him came Ebelle who completed the family. Though lacked much they had an outstanding education which they contributed in by doing some minor works so as to support their parents and meet the ends of the rope. On a rainy saturday death almighty took away Mr Elvis to his yard leaving the family in grief but what was more unexpected was he left nothing tangible behind just a letter could be seen as though he knew of his departure. Dipita the first born still a teen had becomed the head of the family he had to work twice harder to ensure the needs of his mom and brother as well as pursue his studies.At the university he met Stella and at first sight he knew the were meant to be together,they dated for a while and were preparing for their final exams when one morning stella came knocking at her boyfriends door telling him she was expecting a child and wanted to get rid of it ,despite the shock and confusion dipita objected he knew he had an extra challenge but his main challenge was bringing forth such news to his mom who had placed all hopes in him it wasnt easy but at last it was done and a wedding plan fixed.It was a blessed day,birds could be seen flying in zig zag motion singing songs of delight, the Sun had put on his best outfit and could be seen dazzling from afar, everyone getting set for dipita's graduation but all ended at the hospital for stella had given birth to a baby girl ( bernice). Two years later Mr dipita was blessed with a good paying job and dwelt happy without forgetting his roots.He dedicated most of his free time in charity homes making sure to be of aid to the less priviledged.
© Dipita