

Take Me As I Am
I slowly made my way through the passage that led straight to my mother's study, with my head looking down as if there were many people. I fixed my hoodie and took a deep breath for I understood that I was in deep trouble. Mother always called us to her study room if she was to discipline us.

Just as I was about 5m away from the vintage door that had tiger spots all over it. I raised my head, just to see an old man with his shoulders back and his eyes looking all around the door and the wall which was before him. He glanced over his body as if he was checking out his outfit, and surely no one would blame him for my mother was a very strict and ruly woman. She was hard as core, strong and stubborn as a mule.

I politely greeted the old man and got in the study room with him. I couldn't observe his face as I was looking down and suprised more and more. I had so much going on my head.

After a carefull glance over her computer, mother smiled at us. Her light skin color was reflected by the sun rays from the right side of the room. This was the most strangest room at home, with old cabinets full of books, the chair and table mother was sitting on at the centre. That day, she was not herself, she couldn't stop spinning the chair.

"You may take a sit. And welcome Mr Griffith. Lisa, you're a grown up now and life isn't waiting for you. You've got to stand and man up.", said mother.

I slowly turned my head to look at the old man but his attention was on my mother. I couldn't help but shake. I just nodded to show that I was listening.

"It is time, dear, to leave home and settle somewhere with a man worthy of your hand in marriage. Mr Griffith here has his grandson, an accountant who studied overseas. So we both came to an agreement that the two of you will get married.", said mother.

I felt my heart sink deep within my stomach. Tears fell down my cheeks and I looked at my mother with anger and amazement.

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