


In itself doesn't Carry the negative or positive feeling as most emotions, it like love, anger,and some others, have the ability to be neutral until they are confirmed in actuality what form level and energy they should take or must remain . In this study we are going to be looking at the true meaning of Envy, the forms, the levels to it and of course the energy to it.

Quickly I will just talk on the points, cos we are not discussing the sower, but in order to have a full understanding of our topic, I have decided to lay the foundation.
Mark 4:3-9 talked about the hearts and minds in categories;
The wayside mind, where everything is welcome
The stony mind, that yields not to instructions.
The throny mind, the one that our topic is center around, the heart that choke everything,
The yielding mind.

Now the essence of this discussion will be useless and unrealistic if Jesus has not talked about that parable, "if you don't understand this parable how then will you understand the others"
When the bible talks about the heart, it measure it wickedness, the need to clean or regenerate it or to guard it from sin cos out of it comes all matters of life.

Envy starts from the mind paying attention to things that you don't have that you long for and since you don't, you start to hate who has it.Envy is one of the greatest enemies of contentment and joyfulness, it reminds you how deserving you are of what you did not have and how undeserving that person who has it is, you then see the error in that person, oh my friend got married and I am not, I then said it is not as if she's fine sef, a person get a promotion at work and I say he doesn't even have the qualifications gan, gradually I have become toxic, I have removed my self for the equation, I see others as inadequate, I prick at every good results or goals, it starts gradually. Oh why is it that he/she got that job offer, I didn't hate them for getting it but I just wish it was I who got it.
Okay "I wish my husband was my sister's husband, cos he cares about my sister, he loves her dearly, I just wish she was not his wife, I wish he found me first", they are in my mind, they keep coming back over and over, all the good thoughts of my sister I start to revaluate them, I scale everything good intentions of hers, I weigh her actions, I measure all her words, tagging innocent conversation as prideful, I then pass my judgement in my mind, I condemn her as undeserving, as unfit, as inadequate, as unqualified, I have killed her already in my mind. As I do this, different emotions come to play, jealousy, angry, hate, and the likes.

Lust beget envy. Ahab wanted something that belonged to Naboth, Naboth refuse to sell it to him, so Ahab felt disrespected, insulted, abused by an ordinary man, he felt deserving of the property, it befitted his status as king, but seeing that he wasn't going to get it he felt troubled that his wife had to come to his rescue by plotting against and killing Naboth for Ahab, to any and every envy there a lust, a longing to have, a wish, a drive force, the foundation or base. something is sown as seed in the soil of your mind. Lust of money, lust of the eyes and the flesh. In whatever form they may appear.

You envy contaminated grace, or lifestyle of someone whose foundation is faulted.believe that every wickedness known to man, started by wanting to prove a point. To someone or about something beyond your reach, that you can do it better or have it better, because you feel it suits you better or the best, You want it to rule, pride of life. The singular statement "you will be like God" got eve to eat and feed her husband of the fruit from the tree that God had warn them not to eat from, the ability to measure up and above standard set by someone else, the intention to be much and do very little, all in lust, a craving that is wide and insatiable.

Anger another level to envy
When Cain offered his sacrifice he bought it from his farm produces and when Abel offered his he offered the firstlings and the fat one(s) God honor Abel and his sacrifice and Cain was so angry, that even God asked him why.
After God had warned him about the sin at his door(heart/mind) and how he shouldn't let it consume him,Cain when to the field inviting his brother, whose success upset him and whilst in the field he Rose against Abel and killed him. you want to pay attention to the things of God yet you want to live large and you don't have the chill to serve, you can't stand your superior cos they offset you, you want their position and you can't wait to pull them down because you are so angry they are there and you aren't, oh you know this girl who didn't have anything then she is making waves suddenly, it upset you cos you know her story, you say demeaning things to her,oh are you the boss and all you know how to do is display you anger and insults of your employees making sure them get pained by words,why is he getting he living fine with the little salary he gets, who is helping him,how is he doing it..... Your intentions is to punish him so he can know his place, you are not different from Cain and you are a witch or wizard. Cos the bible says that the sin of envy /jealousy is like the sin of witchcraft.
You need to come to the realization that your mind is not guarded any more.
You help someone get a job and you see that that person is making it,you then feel entitled to that person's life. And you expect appreciation every time, and should you need help and he doesn't come to your aid you get angry, then your heart starts to brew with wicked thoughts.

Someone said I envy doing good, helping people and lifting others, it is good to envy good things, but do you have the widow's mind to give all your mites?. So last year just around august I was in a praise concert, for those who know me, one of the things I enjoy so much is been in the presence of God then when there's a chance to dance I grasp it with all my heart, I didn't know the organizers until almost the end of the concert, so fast forward to the donations part, a female artist donated her new keyboard to that ministry, in truth she only just got it for her own studio and they had borrowed it from her to do the concert. When her husband was called to make donations.....He donated a large sum and asked it December was not a distant time to get them a bus. A new bus!
Where I was I envied not just him and his family but the grace, and God speaking said "yield yourself more to me"
But I wanted to give largely as that man had. He said "give your all, that is your mite".
My mite, my obedience, my submission, my humility, my meditations, these and more starts from my mind, because God search the heart, he's particular about what is in the mind.

He wants you and I to receive a mind that burns within us, a heart that is connected to him, that focuses on doing the right things, an active mind, a living conscience, so our submission to His Will is total and we know that we are not mediocre, and we are not sabotages to positivity, such that even when we wander off we can still find our way back because our repentance is genuine.

Action point; I received the grace to be mindful of what grows in the soil of my mind, such that my thoughts are guarded to positivity and productivity.


Why is witchcraft associated to envy and jealousy?

Envy brings about bitter jealousy, the kind that Cain had for Abel, the kind that Saul had for David, that kind that makes you want to take your own pound of flesh for the smallest misgivings, that makes you want to destroy any good thing left in that person you feel doesn't deserve it, you are angered and or enraged just seeing that person have all that you'd wished or wanted and you build anger and vindictiveness on to the foundation of lust...And of greed, hatred is plastered on every word and action of yours because like cancer it eats up you from the inside, you pass judgement on this person's life and you can't wait to see it come to pass, you take power by force to oppress and suppress this person, you play God, you manifest your full blown pride then just like Absalom you nurse your revenge as you wait to entrap you prey, years unending waiting in ambush,do I still need to call you a witch cos if this is not witchcraft what will it be?
What is the difference between the envy and jealousy? you'll know the answer if you read from the beginning

Any more question?
Good morning everyone❤️
Remember whoever you choose to be, starts from your mind.