

Random story
I thought he loved me, I thought he cared. But I shouldn't dare to even love or touch because every time I do I regret all that I have done. He made me believe that he loves me so. But all I see is a wall between us, a wall that cannot be broken.
My heart aches for the time when we use to be in love and everything was as it should have been, but now all I feel is your cold bitter shoulder even your touch sends chills down my spine.
How could you be so cold to me? I know I have had my flaws, but you turn me away as if I haven't changed.
The moments you see me crying, you never came and asked " How can I help? Do you need a hug?" You just walk away and say " Why arent you ever happy?"
Well I use to be when you actually loved me, those days are gone now.