

A World Apart: Chapter 3
I have always been told to stay away from them.

'Humans destroy us!' That's what I have been told every single day of my life. My heart hammered harder in my chest, I was so terrified that I felt like my soul was going to leave my body any minute, the voice in my head screamed, run!!! but then she spoke

"Excuse me mister, can you tell me where am I?" Her sweet voice calmed me down like a bucket of cool water on a very hot day. I took a deep breath and then I replied

"Before telling you so, can I know who you are miss and how did you get here?" I ask her fumbling across almost on every word, not sure if that was fear or what?

"I am Naoko and...." She hesitates
"And how did you get here?" I ask again politely

"I... I fell into a well." She tells me hesitantly almost as if making a lie on the spot

"Ok!" I say not probing her more, her eyes looked sunken, her lips fallen, she looked sad

"I can help you out of here," I offer her

"C'mon," I offered her my hand so that she could get up, she took it, her touch made me shiver, her hands were cold.

"I know a place, a few minutes away from here, it will send you back to your own world." I told her and she looked at me in surprise

"My world?"

"Yes, human world. You are in magi world right now. When you fell into the well a dimension gate must have opened there at that time and you landed here, ofcourse timing couldn't have been perfect otherwise you could have been hurt badly" I tell her feeling every single word of it, I'm glad she wasn't hurt. But at the same time I speak so fast that I don't even know if she followed what I said.

"The timing couldn't have been more imperfect" she whispers sadly

"Why?" I ask her surprised

"Because I wanted to be hurt!" She yells

"But why!?" I ask her seriously taken back

"I jumped into that well on my own. I wanted to end my own life. Been living for twenty years and I have realized that there is no place for me in this world, in anyone's life. Nobody loves me or cares for me and it doesn't matter to anyone what happens to me. All I am is a waste of time and space to the world so I wanted to end it so that I would not come in anyone elses way" tears roll down her cheeks as she says these words that cut through me like a knife. I wanted to solace her, but how, I don't even know her and as much as I want her to stay here I know she shouldn't. And so I just look at the ground trying hard not to wipe the tears off her face myself.

*Stay tuned for more*
*Please read the previous chapters too*

#chapter3 #chapter-3 #truelove #happyendings #lovestory #madeforeeachother