

The Tragic Wedding.
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.

The names of the couple was written in bold gold on various stands in the hallway. It was a sight to behold: "Marie weds Markson."
Markson was waiting eagerly but anxiously on the aisle for his beautiful bride, Marie. He held his breath as soon as he saw his beloved bride and her father as they walked down the aisle. Only he could explain how long they waited for this day to be lived...

Marie stared at her beloved Markson as she walked down the aisle. She was attracted to him in an inexplicable way. Like the honeybee was attracted to the nectar, like the magnet was attracted to metal. She stared into his amber eyes, as she walked up to him, as the rest of the world fell silent, as the rest of the world rounded into oblivion.

Her father, Jensen, led her to him, her lover, her soon to be husband, her life partner. She stood facing him as her father went back to stand with her mother. Markson stared into her beautiful, big, brown eyes and drowned in it. She looked like a goddess in her unique, long, white, angelic wedding gown. He was going to cherish her and love her all the days of his life. She was the only one to rule his heart.
The rings were brought to them and they exchanged vows that only came from their hearts.

"I love you with all of me." Markson had begun. " My heart, my soul, my body recognises your presence. Your beautiful nature attracted me to you and certainly, I will continue to love you forever. I say all these not because of the presence of so many in this wedding banquet of ours. I say these because it is coming straight from my heart that beats for you alone. I, Markson Winfrey vows to be with you in sickness and in good health, in happiness and in sadness, in riches and in slums and love you till eternity because even death cannot do us part."

Marie smiled. " You're quite ignorant of how much you mean to me. My heart, my body, my soul, my entire existence revolves around you. My life was empty before you found your way into it and filled it with so many beautiful things that no one could ever do. I say this to no one else but you because you have filled my life with happiness. I love you more than you can ever imagine. I, Marie Jensen, vows to be yours in every possible way and stand by you in the good and the bad as even death has no say in this birth of ours."

The rings were exchanged and the audience roared in excitement.

"I now pronounce you husband and..." The marriage officiants words were cut off by a deafening gun shot. The hall was in turmoil as everyone ran around for safety. A bullet slowly made its way towards the couple and Marie's eyelashes trembled when she realised that the armed robber targeted Markson. She quickly moved forward and hugged Markson. Soon the bullet slithered into her tender skin and blood spurted out and stained her white dress red.

Markson's body stiffened as he realised what just happened. His hand trembled and his knees weakened. He held his bride in his arms as he muttered, why?

Marie smiled. " I'm sorry, my love. I can't watch you die." With an affectionate smile, Marie closed her eyes and began her journey to the next realm.

Markson's body trembled as he shook his bride. Tears fell from his eyes as he roared in pain. His family members came to his aid and took Marie away from him. He mourned for her for so many years.

The armed robbers were brought to book and Markson ensured that Marie was avenged.

The love that they both shared still existed after she died and even so, forevermore because Markson refused to get married again. It was either Marie or no one else.

© Haiza.