

My Story How I Met My Partner Tim Goodfellow❤️
My name is Stephanie Jamieson and I Live in Shetland Isles where I have been all my life with my family whom I love and adore and support all I have done upto now and I am 33 years old and I was born in year 1989 the end of 80's which to me holds such special time things were in my year such as one my all time favorite tv Poirot which first aired on tv 1989 what a time for that as one my favorite things to watch and I have it all on DVD and I can watch it over again as one those magical times I love reliving it and I wanted to tell you about Story how I met my Boyfriend Tim Goodfellow of 3 years which still best thing to ever happen to me and as he thinks same thing he found me , Let's go back to the start at beginning of my epic tale of romance where I never knew it was going to happen as it at the point I was about to give up on it altogether and so was he at same time and so by chance behold as we both stumbled across each others profiles and we kept looking at others and then coming back to us again and both started reading them and I did same thing and so then next day this guy I had been looking at profile for awhile and he happened I was very curious about him wanted to know more and he messaged me first saying 'I like the mummy to 'and I wrote back hi there wow that's amazing film one true last films of 90's why I still love it now and then we started chatting slowly as I was complete stranger to him as he was to me and we took our time and over time we discovered we had so much in common like he loves doing art and design as he did his local college as I did my first year mine doing same thing then and I did more courses care units and then new directions and things like that and each time I gained a new skill as it were and this time I had no job then as I was student and then I was started volunteering as well and then it was time and I was doing jobcentee every two weeks sign on as I was on benefits which you had try keep only income I had and so one times for interview for school I was work in there 19 others on same day one of those was me and I did so in I applied see if I had a chance for one which I wasn't successful first time as I didn't have nesscessary skills I needed but I was given the chance to get them by going on relief to do cleaning at places and then second time I applied I got it 2013 which changed my life forever now had my own job making my own money and which I could treat myself to something nice every once and in a while and which now over 9 years ago and I summer time I started become a volunteer 2013 which is over 9 years too and I come every week without fail and love helpings those as you see I started looking after my brother who has special needs who is everything to me and so at 12 years old my mam and dad let me do that as give me good practice later in life which has as I outside knowledge that something not many have that as the organization I help out at works with those need looking after young and old alike and as volunteer I used to do 3 clubs monday night sports my brother used to attend also do adult elderly group on Wednesday morning and Saturday club and now I do only 2 clubs I attend at now Wednesday and Saturday as my brother no longer goes to his things anymore due when covid started in 2019 and he didnt want go back so that was fine as he loves doing his own things at home and I love spending with him and my other two brothers work in care work vulnerable people which is rewarding job as been hard on times such with covid and as for me I am school cleaner at primary school which I love alot as I worked hard to be where I am today and thankful for it since I started in 2013 and also another event took place in then 2019 was when things took an interesting turn as I met this amazing talented and guy and he wrote novels and all he does and he was fasticated what was I doing there on dating site and I wanted to try my luck find man of my own and so he had been on there long time hoping he find his girl to call his own and I hoped to find the same and to be hold here we were both on Zoosk dating site at the time and hoping we could find someone and then we decided to take a chance as you never know until you try as you get surprise which in this case it was for us and then who would later become my beloved boyfriend and everything that means so much to me in my life and I in my partner life and makes me the happiest I have ever been in my life having someone who shares the same interests as me music films and much more and that for me was big deal and so let me take to you all the way back to the start where it all began in 2019 and tell you all about it from the start it all began from the start and a tale that happened to me 3 years ago which changed our lives forever . so let's start I was 31 at the time in 2019 it was time I was feeling lonely and I wanted meet someone who love me for me as I had few bad time as one time I had crush on my brothers friend and I was about 18 years old then and he was staying with us and so it interesting and we hanged out alot so that was cool but in the end wasnt meant to be as he found his true love they later married have most adorable cat astro and that was that I am happy for them and few years later tried fall in love again in the past 2010 where I met the mistake I wish I never met that one I which I won't go into let's just say I didn't know what was I was doing and 2014 this one I met thru a friend my oldest friend and things were going well for awhile and I asked like to meet one day as he lives in Wales at the time we spoken about it and it was sad but just had be and it got stage it wasn't working out anymore but went back being friends again still friends far better off and we keep in touch as anyway where the two in particular which wasn't very pleasant and was friend I made few years back 2011 we hang out and we did date for awhile but nothing came of it hope he is okay and still speak with his sisters and then now bald to main thing I thought it's time I found myself a boyfriend I thought as being single isn't much fun as it was hard watching couples holding hands kissing wishing that would happen to me and I watched a lot couple's together wish I could find someone for me and I had been out with a few guys in the past one of them was not very nice and I dumped them as I was as I was fed up with all drama and one guy who I had known as teenager and he didn't like the idea I am taken now but that wasnt going to work and I told them that I am happy in my relationship I don't want to be with anyone else and so it was time for fresh start I thought to myself and and So in 2019 i decided to try online dating again as I know it abit of risk to do that but you never know until you try as they say and as I hadn't done in few years as first time had been when I was abit younger I think 18 or 19 age I think first two times I didn't feel ready for it back then and but as I said before in 2019 I had feeling things would be different so this time around and I felt ready to give it a try again and but somehow I knew this time would be different I didn't know what to expect this time and and I had no idea something special was going to happen to me and I would meet someone very special to me and who will changed my life forever more ways than one and so I made a profile on one dating sites in the past as I used a username Gameragirl as to stand out I guess I had in my mind at the time and then so moving on and as I put that as my name for it in and put description and photo one my my friends getting married in 2015 I think that photo was from and I added short brief what I like doing and what I love that is a film one in particular and one being my favorite film of all time the Mummy from 1999 and which holds special place in my heart always will and shares who becomes does my love of my life more in that abit later on let's continue the story and here we are 2019 and so I said I decided to back back was on dating site for quite awhile hoping meet that special someone make me complete missing peice in my life I wanted to fill and so I had crushes and dated a one or two in past which didn't end too well met a few guys on there chatted to on the site and nothing special yet as I kept looking and looking and until one catched my eye then one stood out from the rest of them and this a guy with a black and white photo and I was very curious to know more about him and I read the profile his name Tim Goodfellow from Carlisle England Cumbria and he was 32 and born in 1986 and he makes short films and he has been working making the snake film and other projects and he stories as and he is cosplayer ,writer ,actor, model, director and artist that was amazing all in one person it felt like fate had been led before me and all in one that is up my street for sure and that everything else in between and needless to say I was impressed and captured by him already even though we had not spoken or chatted yet and he told me that no girls ever took interest in him he was always ignored and I that was the same to me too I wasnt me as that was same with me too for a time I got picked on and bullied all my life since early age as in primary there were two girls back in primary who liked to pick on me and tied my hair to fence I was left there and they send out a search party to find me I was cold and wet teacher found me and she cut my hair a bit get me out of the fence and I got blanket as I was taken inside to warm up and one worst times I was 5 or 6 years old then and one time I had crush on a boy back then too, I was terrifying running chasing after him and few months later I was invited to his birthday party now you can imagine only girl there to all boys party wasn't taken too well and they didn't like but boy I liked at the time told them this my party and I got to his party invited so there and it didn't help though as it made it worst and I think I decided to open the door and close it again stay outside so I didn't feel like being there anymore as I felt unwelcome so I sat outside doorstep to keep out the way so didn't ruin the party and then boys mam counted how many for cutting the cake I wasn't there and asked her son where was I at and he looked everywhere and as asked the boys his friends "where is she?!" and they said " what does it matter only a girl not like she matters it your party mate!" they said and boy didn't like that answer as he went looking for me and he thought where could she be?!" and then thought came into his mind she isn't outside is she?! and opened front door there I was all alone curled into ball and he said " there you are I thought you left and gone home they told you had, hey what's going on why are you out here come back in and I told him I am not wanted in there think I have ruined it for you and then all!" I said to him and then he brings back in and boys mother saw us together and he told his numn she was outside I found her but I am mad my friends for upset her like this and said for his mam to take me into kitchen and he wanted to have a word with his friends about it and boys mum noticed I wasnt around and he did notice that and they found me sitting outside at door step and he asked " ahhh there you are I was looking all over for you hey why are you out here? " he asked me and I said " others don't want me around in there I will stay out here just to not ruin the party for you" I told him and he said " who said you are ruining it you are not and come on come back inside to kitchen mam give a some food and that way your safe from the others and so I came back in and we had small kiss as he wanted make it up to me and then few years later he got in big trouble got removed I never saw him again after that and many years later bullying continued in my life and secondary school to high school and Tim said same thing it happened to him and also needed help in class like me and
it mentioned he has been bullied a lot a school and and a graphic novel written Called TheSnaker and I had to check it out and when I looked in up on Amazon and there was his story and read more about him and I was in awe of him and then I was amazed all he had done made a lot and I could related to that as I was bullied too at school and he needed help in school and so did I and we are like and soon to discover we have amore in common than I thought and I was so blown away but it and unknown to me had been on dating site for few years now and he was looking for a very special girl himself hoped he would find it and we almost gave up on hope that was going to happen until we both found each other by chance and so here we both were looking for love and then we both looked back at each other profiles wondering so we try to message each other back and so I will continue my tale as so it one of best films of it kind one last of all great films from 1999 and I fell in love with it and with the film since it all began I was 12 and everyday when I come home from school put on vsh tape I loved so deeply as I would watched on watch it over and over again one I would never tire over and watch it all the time and I put that on my profile and unknowns to me that would interest someone else who loves that film as much as I do and then I would meet someone else who shares same passion and loves gaming and music and film and art and everything else and then then on the next day I had surprise message waiting for me and find out I found a lot more than I bargained for and then I received a message from the guy I had been interested in it read " I like the mummy too" his message read I was smitten as no one else liked films as much I do and qoute them and then I wrote him back and I wrote "back "Hi there thanks for writing back yes I love the film too and never met someone who I am am so glad I met someone who shares love for it and we get into how much it meant to us especially in many ways it was last of it kind sadly the film industry has gone down in a lot not as big hype as it was back in the day and and he and I were chatting more to get to know each other more Tim couldn't believe what was I doing here on site like this he was shocked I hadn't been snapped up before how is that possible he asked and I told him no one felt that away about me really or it was faked that were felt anything for me and I told him and Tim was shocked and Tim said " how on earth did think that or do that that awful and what I can tell you well they are idiots for that pass you up and I never ever do to you ever if that were me " he said and then he still couldn't believe it no was interested in me at all and he wanted to be there for me and we became very close from that that day forward and from the on we were inseparable chatting on dating site weeks and days after first meeting and went on forever chatted late into night and then so we been chatting few months now it was between mid March and into April we had been chatting into over 2 month by this point , we had discussed alot of stuff about each other and to know more and then we decided to give emails and exchange mobile numbers and social media and on YouTube as then we didn't need dating site anymore it was expensive especially for online chat inbox and then we had more ways to keep in contact like messager ,text face time and sometimes calls on mobile too and over time slowly we had been enjoying each other company and still on had dating site at this stage and and it was nice to have and then someone to chat to when I am came home from and over time dating site was becoming expensive and and I got a text from Tim and asked me we does this mean we are dating now ? he asked me and I said" I think so yes I think so" I said back he so glad he met me as am I and then we gotten to April now and we now 4 months getting to know each other we felt really strong feelings towards each other and then we decide to announce to familys and add on profiles we are a couple So April 24th 2019 status now in relationship together and other thing we came part of channels too and I declared fors first time over 8 months we were together as special message for him as his girlfriend on his channel snaker and now we make a video he has new lover in life now which we plan to make soon and we had become an item that was it now in relationship which was amazing to finally found him all these years wait to find someone this was huge step because I had been in similar situation with another guy which another relationship with someone else 2014 few years earlier but sadly it never came to anything I wanted us to meet but he never seemed keen on idea too far away which it was and got point nothing and he decided it was best end things with me became friends after that but and now I found my ideal man he lives away from me but we made it work together and here we are 3 years later as he felt same way about me as I do him and we continued our corrosponding by text and email and fb and messager and then sparks flew we become boyfriend and girlfriend from that day on and then so we decided to keep our relationship a secret from our family's until we were ready to reveal the world and to tell our families and which in all fairness is huge deal in any new relationship which it was for us both as we never gotten to this before and it felt amazing to found someone who loves me for me my personality sense of fun and love 80's and 90's music films and gaming and lots of stuff in common and that why I love him so much too and we think back us chatting we first got together we began to chat day by day and get to know each other over time and we told each what we do in jobs and other stuff and like and what we dislike and we took our time over all things and we decide to tell both our families and introduce each other to them this can be nerve-racking for anyone especially meeting each other family hope they like me all this and so at my niece birthday party meal and I took deep breath as I told mam I had met someone who I had been chatting to few months now at that point and then we first called each other on phone on messenger and he was blown away by my beauty he said and he told me fallen for in love with me and i loved him back and also called him on the my mobile and lol sneaky way as I hasn't told anyone about him yet hehe secret ramance we kept under wraps for long time and I told my family I met someone and introduce Tim to my family as this was quite big deal to me as I never met anyone like my Tim who I love and adore so much anyone else in my life and of course it was quite a for my dad to get used to do idea of us dating it hard to for him to accept at first I met someone from sooth online and it was not exactly he wanted to hear but this was my choice though and it was Tim's turn to tell his own family and it was quite interesting moment and his family had wondered why he was so happy alot and what was going on and to find out I was main reason and I was worries they wouldn't like me and he said" my darling told me of course they will much as I do as your my girlfriend after all and then he said babe let's introduce you to them and I said okay and he made the call and then had me on the phone he said and then big moment we both wanted for finally arrived as we call and tim said I would like introduce you someome very special to me and I would like you meet my girlfriend Stephanie Jamieson from Shetland islands " he said as mysterious girl finally revealed at last reason why he was so happy lately and I said " hello nice to meet you all "I said to them and it took them by surprise and they we delighted to meet me huge relief to me at the time and so they all got to know and meet Tim's older brothers Andy ,Chris and Richard are names of his brothers as Tim is youngest in his and I am youngest in my own family I have 3 older brothers too Denis , Derek, Martyn are names of my three brothers both a like in families and then we called a lot which let his brothers get to know me over time as well and his parents especially and got to know them over time and then on 24th of April 2019 we make it official as being couple and we received mixed reactions to our big news and we found it very funny as we found our soulmates at last some were jealous of us together and we didn't care as we are together that's it
from there as this was so exciting as i was chatting with mysterious man I found on dating site and so and with that my heart went wild as first time I met someone else besides me who loves same film I have obsessed over for so many years ago and to meet someone else who I had seen my profile and hence I met Tim Goodfellow who was 32 at the time we started dating and corresponding on dating site and importantly as for me so here I was on this called site zoosk and helped find me boyfriend and of course we owe it all to one film The Mummy that got us together and Tim is now 36 year old and we are very excited news as we had to wait very long time for this moment as Tim and I are finally go to get together meet each other as we chatting on the phone face time at last due to COVID-19 lockdowns and getting covid and then we had restrictions which we couldn't go anywhere and we haven't had the chance to meet up to all this but now finally we can get the chance to see each other and this year it's finally happening after 3 years we had to to have long wait and just waiting on final details from my other half Tim and his brothers will becoming meet at other end take me down for holidays with them staying with and I am looking forward to it as as tim and his family have dying to meet me ever since we got together and we all get on so well all fun together and taking a camera with me make memories I will never forget and it's emotional for me longest relationship I have ever had in my life means more to me than ever before soon I will be with my man finally by his side as he who helped thru a lot stuff I had going to be lots of fun to try cram in so much for 2 weeks we can do it and so has he and waiting for us to discuss this very soon hoping tim and his brother can arrange flights in good time we get all together and now our lives get epic and counting down the weeks until it's time to go and bring on next month epic love and story and adventures will be lifetime in making tim and I and his family as we tried to arrange trip few times before but we could due to COVID and lockdown restrictions and we couldn't go anywhere so face time it had to be further 2 years at this time and in 2022 that is my tale how I met my beloved Tim and how he changed my life and I did same for him and he makes me so happy than ever been in my life and this time our dream is going made reality to see it them for first time ever and waiting chat family about trip down get rest arrangements finished then we are off together. I can't not wait for finally meet my man and family for 2 weeks holiday epic vacation yay bring on October nice needed break. and have the best two weeks of my life with him and lot of fun we shall have together and now end the trip we got engaged after our trip to hadirans wall and robin hood tree and same night my beloved Tim asked me the question two weeks ago omg it was amazing love him so much mine forever so we need plan next steps when we are ready for that to happen.
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