

make me feel again
"You have no idea of what you are missing out on. Just take a look at yourself do you feel any sense of happiness. I know you will always try to convince yourself that you are happy but trust me you need someone who is going to make you feel good. The fact that you didn't have the happy ending you have always dreamt of with Tega doesn't mean you can't start another chapter with another person. Think it well babe. You only live once so why don't you live the best of life."
I just couldn't forget all the words Venita said to me. Even though I decided to take advantage of the cool weather to cool off by taking a walk I still can't find peace. I have always thought that I don't need a man in my life after the painful heartbreak I went through. I cried for weeks blaming myself for not been enough for the guy I loved but I know it was not my fault that he cheated.
Watch out, I heard people shouting at someone but I am not in the mood to find out. Even though I stay in a small town it is always so busy with people trying to get by their everyday life. So when I decided that I need to move on there was no better place for me than staying here.
Ouch, I shouted in pain as I felt someone grab me roughly. "It seems you have a death wish miss. Didn't you see the notice board? This is a construction site and it is very dangerous, people have been shouting at the top of their voice telling you to watch out but you could not hear them since you were daydreaming.

Oh my goodness, I gasped in shock when I saw the deep hole few feet away from where I am. I burst in tears, I don't know if it's because I was only few feet from death or the fact I am feeling so grateful that I am not dead.

"Wipe your tears" Mr stranger said as he handed me his face towel which I am so grateful for. Heaven knows I look so ridiculous crying in front of the big crowd. After sensing how uncomfortable I am he dismissed the crowd.
"Thank you my name is Anna" I tried to start a conversation as it was already getting awkward just staring at each other. Niyi, he said in a very low voice that I could barely hear him.
If you don't want to tell me your name because you think I am clumsy then it's fine, I teased him to make him repeat his name but it seems it didn't work since he didn't say anything.
My name is Niyi and I don't see you as a clumsy person. We all have problems that we are dealing with but that doesn't mean one should commit suicide.
Even though I am not the type of person that gives explanation but seeing how worried this guy is I just had to. Niyi, I am fine now and I never planned on committing suicide, I was so lost in thought that I didn't know what was going on around me.
Be careful next time, I need to go now, he said as he walked away leaving me to think about all that has happened within a very short time.