

The truth that made me who I am today.
Can vary greatly from person to person and situation to situation. However, it could refer to a personal realization , experience or event that has had significant impact on shaping a person's belief , values or identity . It could be something positive , such as discovering a passion or finding a sense of purpose or something negative , such as over coming a personal struggle or trauma. Ultimately, the truth that made someone who they are today is a deeply personal and individual experience .

Let's deep in into the truth that made me who I am today.

I had always felt like I didn't quite fit in, like the was something about me that was different , but I couldn't put my finger on it. It wasn't until I was in my mid-twenties that I started to uncover the truth about my past.

Growing up , I had been told that my father had died when I was still a child , but I never knew much else about him. One day , I received a letter from someone claiming to be my father's sister . The letter revealed that my father had actually left me and my mother when I was just a few months old. I was shocked and hurt that my mother had kept this a secret from me for so long.

Over the next few months , I learned more about my father and his family. I discovered that he had struggled with addiction and had made some poor choices that ultimately led to their separation. As I processed this new information , I started see myself and my struggles in a new light . I realized that many of the struggles I had faced in my own life were a result of trauma and abandonment I experienced as a baby.

With this newfound understanding my past, I began to work on healing and building a new sense of Identity. I joined a support group for adult children of addicts, where I met others who shared similar experiences and could offer support and understanding. Through therapy and self-reflection, I started to build a new sense of self that was rooted in the truth of my past but also open to the possibilities of My future.

By facing the truth about my past, I was able to reclaim my story and define my own identity. I realized that the truth that had once felt like a burden was actually the key to unlocking my own sense of purpose and meaning.
© Ashton Maphanga