

What Is God?
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Angels & Demons by Dan Brown:

Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.

I have no idea what today’s date is, I have no idea what I am meant to be doing today, I have no idea of time or existence, I’m not even sure I’m alive right now but a quick pinch to my wrist answers that question. What is existence? What does it mean to exist, to be placed on this earth and to follow rules set by a being we cannot see or touch? To be born is to be full of life, to be aware of your consciousness, yet a being is celebrated for giving us life. A being hailed by many names is worshipped for granting humans the privilege of living and in return, we are expected to follow in his footsteps just to once again attain life, only this time it would be spent by his side up in the sky. How does any of this make sense to an average human?
I am expected to believe in God, told to worship Him so I can be free of sin. I am told to praise his name, but how can I praise what I cannot see? How can I believe in a being whose touch I have never felt? They say God exists and his book of stories is enough proof of his existence, but anyone could write a book. Anyone could sit and create a whole world of fiction and call it religion. That is why we have mythologies, stories of great gods and goddesses who once ruled the earth and cared for the people, but that’s all they are; stories. If people believe in God because of a book, then they should believe in Zeus, Thor, Odin, and the rest. I want to understand God, I want to know him in every possible way; yet something deep in me tells me I cannot. Everyone claims he is not understandable and his actions can never be explained. In a way I agree with them, I know we are not meant to understand a being we have never seen. In my heart, a part of me knows God does exist, another part of me craves to understand his existence, but a much bigger and, dare I say it, wiser part of me knows I will never understand God, nor am I meant to. My question now is; could I live with that?