

Journey Of Voiceless Expressions Part 1
The cool breeze brushed the walls of the bus station, it wasn't winter, but a tease in the after hours of spring. The night was a marvel, the stars flickered like tomorrow would be the end, and shined like today a promise must be fulfilled. The atmosphere painted a fleeting scene, beckoning one to notice before it leaves. A feeling of belonging and Adventure, easily whisked away by enchanted thieves. Halie, a girl by the age of 23, was engulfed without effort. She's the type to welcome the opportunity to feel everything in totality. Mikael, age 29, stared briefly, uninterested by what night holds, because every night looks the same in his eyes.

The bus approached, this gloomy chariot peeled from the pages of her favourite book. That's how it appeared in her eyes. A monotonous, metallic bus, a homage to noir the whispers of his soul. His feelings manifested Devouring his usual ride. They both got on the bus, one after the other. He was further back with headphones and a bag on his back. She already found a seat unsure who would occupy the one beside her. While in her seat the air of anticipation thickened. In reality she wanted to be alone, but understood an empty seat beckons a behind.
Safety is what she wanted, peace is what she prioritised.

An empty seat, filled with silence and air, felt more intimidating than welcoming, but only few dared. Many hovered in indecision, pondering what they'd recieve, a conversation, silence, a thief. Mikael, approached slowly wanting the same thing, to reach his destination with less frustration than he already feels. He looked at the empty seat hoping another was hidden secluded far in the shadows of the back. He found one, but impatience forced me into the seat next to her. A passager bumped him aiming for the same thing. A seat away from the echos of social beings. "Hay", left him feeling awkward about what just happened, regaining his composure. Her smile and a wave was her response as she looked away.

© fruitfulodyssey