

There was this big old village street
And in it lived a boy I always see
People said he was a dull and a miniature boy
And you better not set foot in his house
I didn't think nobody could be that dull,
So I decided to out walk down the village street,
Just find out if all the things I heard was true,
Ignoring all the warning as I go close to the house.

There was a big brown furry dog laying out in the yard,
And it growled at me and I swallowed hard,
And I heard somebody say who are you?
And there he stood in the door of that house.
His beard and his hair was thick and black,
And he was the chubbiest boy I had ever seen,
When he spoke his voice was low and deep,
But I wasn't frightened by him,

Cause somehow I knew he wasn't dull,
He asked what you doing snooping around my place?
So I smiled at him and I told him who I was,
He said come on in and talk a sit.
He said you can call me Joshua,
We played till the sun was almost out of sight,
We grew closer as time went on,
And we bacame friends down to the moment.

© S.D