

My graduation speech -

" I wrote a small poem dedicated to my mentor, who's been more than just a teacher to me. He's supported me throughout the bad days, as well as good days and would always root for me. I can never forget the memories I spent with him, and those will be the golden memories of my life, which I would never be able to forget. I just want to say, I've always respected you, and without you I would have been just any other mediocre guy with half knowledge and base skills. I thank you once again to cope up with me and teaching me real education in personality development and social skills. And with that I proceed with the poem written by me.

You never gave us up,

You never let us down,

You never ran around, and deserted us!!

You never made us cry.

You never said goodbye.

You never told a lie, to hurt us.

And we, are never going to give you up "