

Greed of Pleasure
It was an evening when i lost my way to home.There was an middle aged lady coming along with the footpath.But she was talking to herself.I got frightened when she looked at me .Her face was charming but her eyes were empty with any expersion.She laughed aloud and moved away.I started walking fast as i came to a market & found a rickshaw. I got in & took a breath of relief.I told driver my address & reached safely.It was a very next day i saw same woman with a man arguing outside my school gate.A child was crying to watch them but he was helpless.When we grow up but didnot realize others feelings how we said that we are matured enough?A very handsome man with a beautiful wife had a kid but they ran after their non stop pleasure.Some pleasures are got by crushing others feelings & some are stealing others happiness.Money is not enough for living but realization,understanding & giving time while a person wants talking with you.But if a person lost his or her charm then people replace their attention they forget their promises & responsibilities.When you hold someones hand then you just ask from yourself before about your intensions.But donot name your greed of pleasure as true love. Nonishines
© Nonishines